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Observational study on risk factors determining residual dizziness after successful benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment: The role of subclinical BPPV


After successful treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, many patients may complain of residual dizziness. Possible explanations may be the persistence of otolith into canal insufficient to provoke noticeable nystagmus, utricular dysfunction and undiagnosed coexisting vestibular disorder. We conducted a prospective observational case-control study, focusing on the role of risk factors in determining residual dizziness after BPPV treatment. In the present study, 148 patients were recruited and residual dizziness was documented in the 57.5% of the cohort. Among patients with residual dizziness 36 had subclinical BPPV and after retreatment, although nystagmus was not clinically evident, there was resolution of dizziness. We conclude that residual otoliths may play a role in determining post-maneuver residual dizziness that is often linked to subclinical BPPV; this conclusion is also supported by the high prevalence of BPPV recurrence in patients with residual dizziness, as confirmed by our analysis. The main cause appears to be linked with dispersed otolith in semicircular canals.