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  • 1. Stage web e social media (100%)

    12-mag-2015 10.06.04

    Medici Senza Frontiere Onlus ricercaM uend /aia T irocinante nel Settore Web & Social O IScl btirioectitnivioi g sie snveorlgaelir àd enle tlli'raomcbinitoio d el Dipartimento ... di Parteciparen aclliep ali •• EPrlaborazioanteti vdietài cdoin: tenuti per social n ... & Social Media” eonnz oal trFer oiln 2ti0e/r0e5 /s2i 0im15p.e gna a selezionare i propri ... - Stage web e social media.doc Word Mac OS X 10.9.5 Quartz PDFContext

  • 2. Presentazione del volume open access "Pandemic in translation. A Comparative Understanding of European Social Values" a cura di Antonio Lavieri e Alessandra Pera (85%)

    13-dic-2021 16.52.36

    of European Social Values" a cura di Antonio Lavieri e Alessandra Pera articolo, notizia, unipa ... 10,30 nell’aula Borsellino del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche dell’ateneo palermitano verrà presentato il volume open access Pandemic in translation. A Comparative Understanding of European Social ... ), che raccoglie le interviste realizzate da alcuni studenti del DEMS su importanti temi legati ... SALVATORE LORITO Mercoledì 22 dicembre, alle ore 10,30 nell’aula Borsellino del Dipartimento

  • 3. brochureMarketingNEW (83%)

    13-apr-2018 12.33.50

    Social Media Marketing Corso di formazione finalizzato ad indicare percorsi di innovazione per l'inserimento nel mondo lavorativo e professionale Informazioni Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali - DEMS Via Ugo A. Amico 2/4 90134 - PALERMO (PA) Tel: +39.09123892514/15 Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali - DEMS Via Ugo Antonio Amico 4, Palermo I social network rivestono oggi una fondamentale importanza nel mondo

  • 4. Convegno finale progetto Recast -Resuse of confiscated assets (81%)

    22-set-2014 11.17.18

    di Palermo, Dipartimento di Studi Europei e della Integrazione Internazionale (DEMS). È condotto ... of Confiscated Assets for social purposes: towards common EU Standards. Il progetto - co-finanziato dalla ... sociale dei beni confiscati. THE SOCIAL REUSE OF CONFISCATED ASSETS IN THE UE: FROM CURRENT EXPERIENCES ... is innovative both at cultural and economic levels: the social reuse. Giving the criminal Conferenza di presentazione proceeds back to the communities a ected by organised crime is not only a social

  • 5. Social media e nuove professioni (79%)

    29-gen-2019 10.07.22

    Social media e nuove professioni articolo, notizia, unipa, eventi Mercoledì 14 marzo 2018, ore 15 - 19, Aula DEMS Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali - DEMS Via Maqueda, 324 Locandina SALVATORE LORITO Mercoledì 14 marzo 2018, ore 15 - 19, Aula DEMS Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali - DEMS Via Maqueda, 324 Locandina /sites/portale/_categories/evento/

  • 6. Doctoral program Description (78%)

    4-ott-2017 16.36.55

    can support collaborative governance, to manage ‘wicked’ social issues and to pursue sustainable community outcomes. “Wicked” social problems characterize most of governmental planning, with a specific concern with social issues. These are complex policy problems featured by high risk and ... aging, unemployment, youth disengagement, education, social cohesion, domestic violence, child abuse ... to affect through its own individual actions. Such problems are usually ingrained in major social

  • 7. Doctoral Program in Model Based Public Planning, Policy Design and Management (78%)

    10-lug-2020 15.29.43

    , to manage ‘wicked’ social issues and to pursue sustainable community outcomes. “Wicked” social problems characterize most of governmental planning, with a specific concern with social issues. These ... , social cohesion, domestic violence, child abuse, crime, corruption, terrorism, poverty, migration ... are usually ingrained in major social issues of modern life, and their interpretation is not univocal ... social capital, perceived levels of service, and other behavioral factors) play an important role

  • 8. 2009 Botti - Tragic Choices _ Autonomy and Emotional Responses to Medical Decisions (74%)

    10-apr-2020 11.59.13

    . These tragic choices are particularly no- for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP), and ... from the Institute of Social Research and Policy choose on behalf of their patients, who were believed ... interviews with the social and cultural environment may have affected par- parents whose babies died after ... meetings with States): “I hadn’t talked about it for a while, but I guess it’s families and social ... with it. I sicians, social workers, and ethicists before approaching par- keep surprising myself

  • 9. Presentazione e Obiettivi formativi (73%)

    19-giu-2020 10.05.06

    dynamics modeling can support collaborative governance, to manage ‘wicked’ social issues and to pursue sustainable community outcomes. “Wicked” social problems characterize most of governmental planning, with a specific concern with social issues. These are complex policy problems featured by high risk ... , societal aging, unemployment, youth disengagement, education, social cohesion, domestic violence, child ... to affect through its own individual actions. Such problems are usually ingrained in major social issues

  • 10. MA 63-14 (72%)

    29-set-2014 15.33.43

    a theoretical perspective that views social problems and political change as the outcome of complex forms ... shape social behavioral patterns. To promote effective change, public policy needs to involve and ... monetary and non-monetary incentives and set the ground for the evolution of self-enforcing social ... methodologies derived from the main disciplines composing the social sciences: politics, sociology ... to the generation of specific social problems and the reactions that policy intervention could

  • 11. 2007 - Carmeci et al. - Le Decisioni nei consumi (71%)

    10-apr-2020 11.59.12

    : When People Prefer Choosing at the Cost of Subsequent Satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social ... , A. (2003). Product Assortment and Individual Decision Processes. Journal of Personality & Social ... in function. In D. Gilbert, S. Fiske, e G. Lindzey (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology

  • 12. Brochure DEMS - Versione Definitiva (71%)

    31-lug-2017 11.12.42

    Lauree Magistrali 2017/18 DIPARTIMENTO DEMS Afferente alle Scuole: - Scienze Giuridiche ed ... - Delegato alla didattica del Dipartimento DEMS: Prof.ssa Claudia Giurintano - Delegato all'orientamento e al tutorato del Dipartimento DEMS ... del Dipartimento DEMS: Prof. Francesco Ceresia - Centralino: 091 - 23892715 ... alla didattica del Dipartimento DEMS: Prof.ssa Claudia Giurintano -

  • 13. DTG (LM-52, CFU 9) 2015-2016 (long) (69%)

    1-ott-2015 12.52.22

    discourses, narratives and arguments employed to justify social and political change as well ... Peters, R.S. (1959), "Democracy". In Social Principles and the Democratic State. George ... choice be related to individual preferences? Has democracy have to maximise some social utility function? Can democracy be a coherent mechanism for social choice? Are there any similarities ... ;A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare", Journal of Political Economy 58, 4, pp. 328-46

  • 14. MA 52-14 (69%)

    29-set-2014 15.33.43

    arguments employed to justify social and political change as well as the ability of public policies ... ), "Democracy". In Social Principles and the Democratic State. George Allen and Unwin ... be related to individual preferences? Has democracy have to maximise some social utility function? Can democracy be a coherent mechanism for social choice? Are there any similarities between political ... in the Concept of Social Welfare", Journal of Political Economy 58, 4, pp. 328-46. • Downs

  • 15. Attività a.a. 2020/2021 (68%)

    5-mag-2021 15.52.29

    in International Trade (*) “International business in the post Covid world. Economic strategies and social ... strategies and social responsibility - II” - prof. Massimo Cermelli, Università Deusto, Bilbao; 21 ... Covid world. Economic strategies and social responsibility - III” - prof. Massimo Cermelli, Università ... , Social Media and Disinformation” - Prof. Nicholas Nicoli, Università di Nicosia; 22 aprile ... . Economic strategies and social responsibility - IV” - prof. Massimo Cermelli, Università Deusto

  • 16. loc SocialMedia (68%)

    4-apr-2016 13.22.44

    ems Social Media Marketing PRESENTAZIONE CORSO DI SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING Mercoledì | 6 aprile 2016 | ore 10 Aula dems | Dipartimento DEMS | via A. U. Amico 4 Interventi di: Prof. Alessandro ... co corso Dott. Ninni Terminelli - Formatore e consulente di Social media marketing I social ... , le gure del social media marketer e del social media specialist ed ulteriori pro li per puntare ... si aggiunge che l'introduzione sul mercato di dispositivi come smartphone e tablet ha reso i social network

  • 17. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (66%)

    29-set-2015 10.39.53

    Region Department of Political Science and InternGaAtiEoTnAaNlO RAeRlaMtiAoOnships 2015 – Dipartimento ... ISBN 978-88-940096-3-7 2 A popular government without popular information ... , in Abstract 97 Foreword This short essay collects contributions and docu ... public administrations in colla- boration with the INPS (National Social Security Insti- tute) and ... transparency, the right of citizens, social groups and companies to know the information

  • 18. ebook english Prof Armao 8 giugno 15(1) (66%)

    23-nov-2015 15.10.02

    Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali via Maqueda, 324 – 90134- Palermo ISBN 978-88-940096-3-7 2 A popular government without popular information ... , in Abstract 97 Foreword This short essay collects contributions and docu ... public administrations in colla- boration with the INPS (National Social Security Insti- tute) and ... transparency, the right of citizens, social groups and companies to know the information

  • 19. Scheda Trasparenza LM 63-2015 (66%)

    1-ott-2015 13.46.27

    that can combine concepts and methodologies derived from the main disciplines composing the social ... complex factors contributing to the generation of specific social problems and the reactions ... of recent techniques developed to consult, involve and motivate the social and institutional actors ... of implementation. The course will develop a theoretical perspective that views social problems and political ... to the material and symbolic elements that help shape social behavioral patterns. To promote effective change

  • 20. Flyer_MPM (66%)

    7-lug-2020 18.26.48

    ANTONIO AMICO 4, PALERMO (ITALY) EMAIL: Phone: +39 (0)91 ... ‘wicked’ social issues, so to pursue community resilience and sustainable outcomes. University (Budapest, Hungary) and with Hanoi University (Vietnam) “Wicked” social problems characterize most of governmental planning, with a specific concern with social issues. They cannot be clustered within ... ) education, social cohesion, domestic violence, child abuse, crime, corruption, terrorism