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  • 1. Risultati della FORTHEM Student Conference a Dijon (100%)

    19-set-2022 9.40.49

    Risultati della FORTHEM Student Conference a Dijon forthem, student, conference, risultati, dijon. ub, best practices Dal 31 agosto al 2 settembre, presso l’Université de Bourgogne a Dijon, partner dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo nell’Alleanza FORTHEM, si è svolta la FORTHEM Student Conference, un’occasione che ha permesso agli studenti coinvolti di conoscere l’Alleanza e portare avanti idee per progetti futuri. I workshop svolti durante le tre giornate hanno visto la partecipazione

  • 2. Risultati della FORTHEM Student Conference a Dijon (45%)

    19-set-2022 11.12.34

    Risultati della FORTHEM Student Conference a Dijon articolo, notizia, unipa Dal 31 agosto al 2 settembre, presso l’Université de Bourgogne a Dijon, partner dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo nell’Alleanza FORTHEM, si è svolta la FORTHEM Student Conference, un’occasione che ha permesso agli studenti coinvolti di conoscere l’Alleanza e portare avanti idee per progetti futuri. I workshop svolti durante le tre giornate hanno visto la partecipazione di UniPa attraverso la presenza

  • 3. FORTHEM Annual Student Conference | Europe Today and Tomorrow (36%)

    3-mag-2021 13.17.12

    online articolo, notizia, unipa, forthem, FORTHEM Student Conference, Europe Today and Tomorrow Mercoledì 5 e giovedì 6 maggio, dalle 9.00 alle 18.00, si tiene online sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams la FORTHEM Annual Student Conference sul tema "Europe Today and Tomorrow” per discutere delle sfide attuali e future dell’Europa, quali ad esempio il multilinguismo, i cambiamenti climatici e la sharing economy. La conferenza, organizzata nell'ambito del Progetto FORTHEM e aperta a tutti gli

  • 4. 2. Newsletter #2 Students (12%)

    12-mar-2021 9.42.07

    in the Alliance’s many activities. The FORTHEM Student Conference 2020 took place from 7th to 9th of December 2020

  • 5. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (12%)

    25-giu-2020 16.17.30

    advanced English in the afternoons). ● The annual FORTHEM student conference – an interdisciplinary and

  • 6. FORTHEM Alliance Call for Projects Short term collective mobility projects 2020-2021 (12%)

    26-giu-2020 14.22.30

    advanced English in the afternoons). ● The annual FORTHEM student conference – an interdisciplinary and

  • 7. Innovative Mobility Structures (12%)

    29-apr-2020 10.09.31

    workshops; FORTHEM Labs; Language learning-oriented courses; The annual FORTHEM Student Conference

  • 8. 20220919_stud-conf_Feedback Student Conference 2022 (12%)

    19-set-2022 9.40.07

    FORTHEM STUDENT CONFERENCE UNIVERSITY OF BURGUNDY - SEPTEMBER 2022 Appreciation A big thank you to everyone who helped make this student conference a success. Special thanks to the professors and trainers who intervened with the students for targeted workshops. Thanks to the Forthem office staff for their work, their commitment and their availability. Thanks to the students of the partner universities for their presence, their dynamism and their involvement in the Alliance and its projects

  • 9. forthem alliance call for projects short-term mobility 2020 (12%)

    30-ott-2019 12.21.47

    in the mornings and advanced English in the afternoons). ● The annual FORTHEM student conference

  • 10. forthem alliance call for projects short-term mobility nov 19 (12%)

    28-ott-2019 11.56.33

    in the mornings and advanced English in the afternoons). ● The annual FORTHEM student conference

  • 11. Call for projects_Collective short term mobilitiy programmes (10%)

    28-giu-2021 8.28.48

    is studied intensively in the mornings and advanced English in the afternoons). ● The annual FORTHEM student conference – an interdisciplinary and multinational conference from students, for students