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Orizzonti di senso per comprendere il benessere e il malessere nelle organizzazioni sanitarie


The paper proposes a reflection on the meaning of the construct "organizational well- being", starting from the definitions given by the psychologists of work, indicating the need to contextualize its framing within broader horizons of meaning that make it more widely intelligible social, political and economic determinations, avoiding the reduction and banalization of the phenomenology of subjective experiences of discomfort and malaise in the workplace. The text proposes two frames of reference for this contextualization that concern the role of the economy in its relationship with society (and politics), and their effects on the structure of subjectivity as it has unfolded in recent decades. Finally, some indications are proposed that the organizational actors can adopt to promote actions and relationships based on "taking care of oneself and others" as a key not to succumb to an adaptive-passive representation to generalized malaise; trying to understand the phenomena of the relationship with work in the context of the overall economic-financial dynamics in order to be aware of those spaces of "local" responsibility within which it is still possible to carry out gestures of care that, without changing the world, allow us to reduce unnecessary discomfort.