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Emulsions based on fatty acid from vegetable oils for cosmetics


Vegetable oils are sources of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In this work, we studied the suitability of a mixture of vegetable oils and some fatty acids (similar to the those of the human skin) as a cosmetic emulsion. Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L.) – 1 %, thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.) – 42 %, linen (Línum usitatíssimum L.) – 1.1 %, wheat germ (Triticum aestivum L.) – 1 %, sesame (Sésamum índicum L.) – 1 %, mustard (Sinápis álba L.) – 2%, pumpkin (Cucúrbita p é po L.) – 5 %, – were selected as vegetable oils. The emulsion based on the proposed mixture of vegetable oils has a higher antioxidant activity (1.623 OD) compared with that based on mineral oil (0.427 OD). Finally, the emulsion provides a good balance of moisture and fat on the skin for one hour, in contrast to the short-term effect of the emulsion based on mineral oil. The obtained data are promising for the formulation of emulsion with specific fatty acids composition.