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Effect of Climate Change on Building Performance: the Role of Ventilative Cooling

  • Autori: Cellura, M.; Guarino, F.; Longo, S.; Mistretta, M.; Tumminia, G.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2017
  • Tipologia: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


Climate Change represents a priority, due to the large variety of implications and importance that it has reached throughout the last decades. In an effort to address this global and local challenge and in order to restrict temperature rise to 2 °C over the next century, it will need to address this topic from several angles, as confirmed by the last COP meetings in Paris and in Marrakech. In this context, the paper presents the modelling and assessment of ventilative cooling applicability in the future of the Mediteranean area under the effects of climate change. Results show that natural ventilation will continue to be of paramount importance in the Mediterranean climate but its highest effectiveness will be displaced from summer to spring and autumn.