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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. World Humanities Report (100%)

    15-mag-2024 11.02.44

    World Humanities Report World Humanities Report, link, Sum coordinated and executed successfully the establishment of a European regional network within the broader World Humanities Report, which is a flagship project of CIPSH conducted with CHCI. was successful in securing funding for this project from the Volkswagen foundation and delivered a report, a website, a data bank ... contributo alla sezione europea del World Humanities Report al seguente link:

  • 2. Contributo Prof.ssa Castagna al World Humanities Report (91%)

    13-mag-2021 12.49.20

    Contributo Prof.ssa Castagna al World Humanities Report World Humanities Report, expert report, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche È di recente stato pubblicato un "expert report" della Prof.ssa Castagna come contributo alla sezione europea del World Humanities Report, progetto voluto dall'UNESCO. Si tratta di un breve memorandum sul ruolo degli studi letterari, e dell'anglistica ... contributo alla sezione europea del World Humanities Report, progetto voluto dall'UNESCO. Si tratta

  • 3. ReSignifications conference booklet (44%)

    6-giu-2018 12.38.44

    cultural activists from around the world gather in the heart of the Mediterranean to reason ... , the island has always functioned as a bridge. Its capital city Palermo, world-renowned for its ... Creativity Change the World? Homeless The Moleskine Foundation is a non-profi t organization ... future. Focusing on com- world and secondly because he no longer felt comfortable in his own country ... Ticket Travelling around the world is becoming more and more diffi cult for thousands of people

  • 4. NECS2021 Official Programme (37%)

    8-giu-2021 8.05.35

    14th annual conference, Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies, hosted by the Dipartimento ... more than 500 participants from all over the world, making this a wonderful opportunity to share ... in Europe, Asia, and the US - include: Blinding Polyphemus: Geography and the Models of the World ... at major festivals around the world and was awarded the Grand Prix at the European First Films Festival ... of recent Italian history. This effort can only be addressed to the world of schools, academia

  • 5. Life - World and History The Focal Points of Edmund Husserl’s and Jan Patočka’s Phenomenological Philosophy (37%)

    12-apr-2018 12.38.43

    Life - World and History The Focal Points of Edmund Husserl’s and Jan Patočka’s Phenomenological Philosophy dottorato, scienze umanistiche, dipartimento, Studi Letterari Filologico-linguistici e Storico-Filosofici Karel Novotný Charles University Prague Faculty of Humanities Moderazione: Alice Pugliese Lunedì 16 aprile 2018 - ore 15,00 Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche Viale delle Scienze – Edificio 12 Aula Aula B – III piano Locandina BIAGIA RUSSO /sites/portale/_categories/notizia

  • 6. CV e Pubblicazioni 13 11 23 A Sica (34%)

    21-nov-2023 15.31.39

    Dipartimento DI PALERMO ... dello Spettacolo’ (SSD L-ART/05) Università degli Studi di Palermo Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche ... di Storia del Teatro, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Università degli Studi di Palermo. 2014-2022 – Professore Associato nel ruolo in Discipline dello Spettacolo – Dipartimento di Scienze ... dello Spettacolo – Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Università degli studi di Palermo. 2000-2013

  • 7. European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme (2008), Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ´Third Mission´ in Higher Education Institutions (31%)

    13-feb-2024 12.57.38

    , rather than a narrower culture of preparing students for the world of work. It also requires suffi ... is to get them ‘out there’ to whichever body is best equipped, wherever in the world; allowing a suitable ... typically need a strong leader who speaks the language of the external world, is respected ... the universities on the continent of Europe, let alone the rest of the world. General rankings can ... universities, which typically differs markedly from that found in the commercial world, but is not

  • 8. Progetti di ricerca (31%)

    15-mag-2024 11.40.40

    Progetti di Ricerca articolo, notizia, unipa Il Dipartimento SUM svolge un’intensa attività di ricerca partecipando a progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali. Le ricerche concernono un ampio ventaglio di tematiche nell'ambito delle scienze umane, considerate sotto l'aspetto della indagine e della riflessione culturale, filosofica, letteraria, linguistica e storica. BIAGIA RUSSO Contatti ... thematic categories: 1. The individual 2. The community 3. The world 4. The gods These categories

  • 9. PME-Handbook-2020-21 (30%)

    25-gen-2022 10.34.23

  • 10. Research projects (29%)

    4-ott-2023 14.56.56

    . Prof. Assunta Polizzi BIAGIA RUSSO World Humanities Report expert report, Castagna, World ... Castagna as a contribution to the European section of the World Humanities Report) BIAGIA RUSSO

  • 11. GAP_4th ISW Program_compressed (29%)

    18-ott-2022 16.34.46

    , the direct vision of the works, the building of relationships with the school world, and involving ... Freedom Silence from prisons. In dictatorial systems, still alas prevalent throughout the world ... in the world. San Vittore stems from the artist's many reflections on the condition of children whose ... children's imaginations process the prison world are told by the artist, through the drawings made ... – Max-Planck-Institut; Università degli Studi di Palermo – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e delle

  • 12. Three_Late_Qing_Chinese_translations_of (29%)

    19-gen-2021 10.45.43

    by many in China as a figure of Western culture that had suddenly risen to prominence on the world ... ), 15. 5 Rebecca E. Karl, Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth century ... . Liu, “Robinson Crusoe’s Earthenware Pot,” in Collecting China: the world, China, and a history ... on non-European cultures “and how it came to pass in the World, that the wise Gouvernour of all Things ... in the New World (we return to this below). The relationship between Crusoe and Friday is a figuration

  • 13. Testo (28%)

    8-mar-2013 16.27.57

    arises from the fact that Genesis 1. 1-31 speaks of God as having created the world in six days ... to the effect that God’s temporal creation of the world consists of four phases: 1. production ... with the analogy of evening and morning being at different times in different parts of the world

  • 14. Verbale del 17_03_2018 (28%)

    29-mar-2018 13.48.02

    l DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE UMANISTICHE VERBALE RIUNIONE COMMISSIONE AQ PER LA RICERCA ... , la dottoranda Rosalia Raineri e il professor Leonardo Samonà in qualità di Direttore del dipartimento ... al Dipartimento di SCIENZE UMANISTICHE, avendo assunto, nell’ambito della struttura di appartenenza, l’onere ... : – PEC l DIPARTIMENTO ... del Dipartimento __________________________ 1. Relazione

  • 15. CV Fazio_giunta 13122021 (28%)

    13-dic-2021 17.21.52

    [Copia conforme] UNPA-158 - Prot. 2890-13/12/2021 IDA FAZIO Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche ... ordinaria di Storia Moderna, Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell’Università di Palermo Già ... della Fondazione Bonino Pulejo per perfezionamento post laurea presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali ... , Componente della Giunta del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche o 2012-2013, Componente ... di Palermo – convenzione con il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche o Partecipazione al progetto

  • 16. Gullotta CV-1 senza dati (28%)

    28-mar-2024 13.22.07

    him the chance of becoming a world-leading scholar in his field. • Most Important Publications ... the world, losing the Self within the world”, Sapienza University of Rome (5-6 July 2022, Keynote

  • 17. Programma (27%)

    24-nov-2017 12.50.10

    . Klaus van Eickels Sicily and the Islamic World Based on The Problem of Rethinking the History ... Europe and the Arab world University of Trento by looking at the example of Sicily. Sicily has always

  • 18. Information Summer School in Human Sciences 2023_Finlandia (27%)

    25-gen-2023 11.28.49

    Mindfulness in the Modern World Doing business in Finland, in Chile and in Peru – similarities and ... . Participants Students from partner universities all over the world are invited to apply to the Summer School

  • 19. 0 Brochure (27%)

    5-giu-2023 16.04.30

    Regione siciliana Assessorato dei beni culturali e dell’identità siciliana Dipartimento dei beni culturali e dell’identità siciliana Regione Siciliana International Council for Traditional Music University of Palermo 2nd Official Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Global History of Music ... - soundscapes” today opens up new in- world an analysis of YouTube videos ual. We ourselves ... archipelagos, and and functions in the contemporary world. What should a modern audio-video the latter often

  • 20. OATI - Open Theaters in Italy EN (27%)

    11-dic-2023 12.26.22

    OATI-Open Air Theaters in Italy – Prof. Anna Sica For historical reasons and its position in the Mediterranean area, Italy is the country with the largest number of open-air theaters in the world: many were built in the Greco-Roman era, but many others were built in the following centuries and even in the New Millennium. This is a pioneering research project that aims to offer ... in the world, and subsequently understanding the reasons why the acting could have been changed after having