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Il dramma della straniera. Medea e le variazioni novecentesche del mito


The book offers an overview of the twentieth-century myth of Euripides’Medea, focusing on different expressise contingencies, from theater to literature and cinema. The three essays try to reaffirm the universality and the extraordinary adaptability of the Colchis saga to most unlikely places and times. Black Medea rewrite the classic pattern in a colonial and oppressive situation, showing Medea as a victim who rebels and wins the constraints of apartheid and racial and ethnic contradictions. In Corrado Alvaro’s Medea and the Elephant, the heroine of Euripides divests its clothes to open in a disarmed and heartbreaking humanity, in a work in which Greek culture and modernity perfectly coexist. Finally, in The violence of the sacred and the disorder of pain. The myth of Medea about Pasolini, analyzing the cinematographic adaptation of the tragedy, in which are highlighted the obscure reasons of knowledge away.