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Les foyers de protection judiciaire de la jeunesse et la prise en charge des jeunes auteurs de délit: Représentations sociales et réflexions autour de groupes d'adolescents et d'éducateurs

  • Autori: Guarnaccia, C.*; Giannone, F.; Sales-Wuillemin, E.
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2018
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


The educators' work in juvenile justice residential communities and their capacity of affective attunement to the adolescent's needs is essential for the creation of a protective and enriching context for the adolescent and his life trajectories. This article aims to explore the social representations of educators and young people in residential communities in Italy, through the analysis of their discourses gathered during focus groups. Our results reveal the need to compare these representations and work to narrow the gap between the caregivers and the users, in order to improve the relationship between the different protagonists of the interaction and, consequently, the possibilities of good success of interventions.