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Dottorato di Ricerca internazionale in “Agronomia Ambientale”

Giuseppe Lo Papa


Personal details

Date of birth: 20th January 1975
Citizenship: Italian

Address (domicile): Via E. Toti, 90128 – Palermo

Telephone: +39 091 23862218; Mob. +39 338 3629216

Fax: +39 091 23860836

Education and Career

2011-to date Aggregate Professor in Pedology and Soil/Land Evaluation, University of Palermo, Italy.

2010-to date Researcher in Pedology (permanent position), Department of Agro-Environmental

Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Palermo, Italy.

2009-2010 (22 months) Research Officer (GIS specialist in Digital Soil Mapping/Modeling), Spatial

Analysis Unit, RERC, Teagasc, Ireland.

2007-2008 (20 months) Senior Pedologist, Regional Environmental Protection Agency (ARPA-Sicilia),


2008 Intensive up-dating course in “soil monitoring network for the environment protection”

held by ARPA Sicilia, Italy.

2005 - 2008 Research Project Assistant, Department of Agro-Environmental Systems - Faculty of

Agriculture; Department of Civil, Environmental and Aerospace Engineering - Engineering

Faculty, University of Palermo, Italy.

2004 - 2005 Contract Professor in Pedology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Science.

2001 - 2004 Ph.D. student in Pedology, Department of Agro-Environmental Systems, Faculty of

Agriculture, University of Palermo, Italy. Research topics: gypsiferous soils in

Mediterranean environments, organic matter, humic substances, soil mapping and

modeling, mineralogy, biochemistry. Coordinator: Prof. C Dazzi; Supervisor: Dr R.

Scalenghe; co-advisors: Prof. T.M. Miano, Dr A.C. Edwards.

2004 (2 months) Visiting Student, Department of Biology and Chemistry of Agro-Forestry and

Environment, University of Bari, Italy. Advisor: T.M. Miano.

2004 (2 weeks) Visiting Student, Research Centre for the Soil-Plant System (CRA-RPS), Rome,

Italy. Advisor: M.T. Dell’Abbate.

2003 - 2004 (7 months) Research training, The Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Advisor:

A.C. Edwards.

2000 - 2001 (1 year), Research Assistant (contract position), Department of Agro-Environmental

Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Palermo, Italy.

2000 Intensive course on “Tools and methods for landscape analysis” held by the Faculty of

Architecture of Geneva (Italy).

1998 Degree in Forestry (5yrs), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Palermo, Italy. Full marks

“cum laude”. The excellent results achieved have been appreciated with two additional

academic merits.

He spent also some periods in the following organisations for research and training activities:

- University of Molise, Italy (mineralogy, SEM-EDX analysis)

- Research Unit for Cropping Systems in Dry Environments (CRA-SCA), Bari, Italy, (geostatistics and spatial

variability of soil properties)

- University of Naples Federico II (soil spatial variability)

- Stirling University, Scotland, UK (biochemistry)

- Agrobiology and Pedology Research Centre, Florence, Italy (soil geo-information and soil database design)

Scientific activity and Interests

i) impacts of human and agricultural activities on soil properties and soil diversity; ii) use of innovative

techniques and proximal sensors for spatio-temporal soil properties survey and mapping; ii)

digital/predictive soil mapping; iv) quail-quantitative aspects of soil organic and inorganic carbon in

Mediterranean soils for C stock and Climate Change; v) soil quality and human health relationships; vi) Soil

degradation in arid, semiarid e temperate climate; vii) Anthropogenic soil classification; viii) Soil modeling

and informatics for Land Evaluation; ix) Pedodiversity

Scientific Societies and Appointments

· Member of the following scientific societies: International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Italian

Society of Soil Science (SISS), Italian Society of Pedology (SIPE), European Society for Soil

Conservation (ESSC), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS).

· Elected Member of the Commission V (Soil Genesis and Classification) and of the Commission VIII

(Soil and Environment) of the Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS) (2012-2014).

· Elected Auditor of the Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS) (2012-2014).

· Secretary of the Commission V (Soil Genesis and Classification) of the Italian Society of Soil Science

(SISS) (2012-2014).

· Co-convener and Chairman of the session S 2.3 “Pedodiversity in space and time: concepts,

measurements, applications”, 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil

Science Societies (ECSSS) – Eurosoil 2012, 2-6 July, 2012, Bari, Italy.

· Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Workshop “COST Action 622 - Soil

Resources of European Volcanic System, Palermo, 27th September – 1st October 2000.

· Member of the Organizing Committee of the National Congress SISS “L’emergenza suolo”, Erice, 16-

22 May 200.

· Member of the Organizing Committee of the 5th International Congress ESSC, Palermo 25-30 June


· Member of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop “World Soil Day 2010 – La percezione del

Suolo”, Palermo 2-3 December 2010.

· Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Technology (Indonesia), a peer

reviewed, open access journal.

· Referee for the following international peer-reviewed journals (ISI): Geomorphology (Elsevier), Soil

use and Management (Wiley).


Travel bursary, “Supervised Work Experiences Abroad” – POR Sicilia (EU co-funded)

Research projects

· 2000: COST Action 622 “Soil Resources of European Volcanic System (Research Unit member).

· 2000-01: POP misura 10.4 “Modello di valutazione del territorio in aree a differente grado di

sensibilità colturale dei sistemi cerealicolo-foraggeri in rapporto ai caratteri funzionali del suolo”, EU

co-funded research project (Research Unit member)

· 2000-02: POM-OTRIS “Ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse idriche convenzionali e non, in sistemi

colturali sostenibili” (Research Unit member).

· 2001-03: MIUR Cofin 2001 “Metodologie Pedologiche per lo Studio della Variabilità Spaziale dei

Suoli” (Research Unit member).

· 2003-04: MIUR Cofin 2003 “Suoli antropogenici: attività biologica e problematiche tassonomiche”

(Research Unit member).

· CORI 2005: “Impacts of land use and disturbance on ecological function of soils”, British Council and

MIUR funded project (Research Unit member).

· 2005-06: MIUR Cofin 2005 “Evoluzione, stabilità e dinamica delle componenti organiche dei suoli per

una loro definizione genetica e funzionale” (Research Unit member).

· 2005-08: “Soil Atlas of Italy”. Project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultere and Forestry (Research

Unit member).

· 2007-08: MIUR Cofin 2007 “Previsione della risorsa idrica disponibile ed interventi di mitigazione”

(External sub-contractor).

· 2007-08: “Developing a Monitoring Network for the Environmental Soil Protection”. EU funded

project at the Regional Environmental Protection Agency of Sicily (Research Unit member).

· 2009-10: “Irish Soil Information System (ISIS)”. Project funded by Irish EPA to produce a Soil Map of

the Republic of Ireland in scale 1:250,000 with associated Soil Information System (Research Unit


Selected Publications

1. De Benedetto D, Castrignano A, Sollitto D, Modugno F, Buttafuoco G, Lo Papa G (2012). Integrating

geophysical and geostatistical techniques to map the spatial variation of clay. GEODERMA, vol. 171-

172, p. 53-63, ISSN: 0016-7061, doi:

2. Lo Papa G, Palermo V, Dazzi C (2011). Is land-use change a cause of loss of pedodiversity? The case of

the Mazzarrone study area, Sicily. GEOMORPHOLOGY, ISSN: 0169-555X, doi:

3. Dazzi C., Lo Papa G., Palermo V., 2009. Proposal of a new diagnostic horizon for the WRB Anthrosols.

GEODERMA 151 16-21.

4. Lo Papa G., Poma I., Gristina L., Alfieri G., Dazzi C., 2008 Fine-Scale Spatial Variability of Soil

Organic Carbon and Related Environmental Variables in a Protected Area of Sicily, Italy. Ital. J. Agron.

/ Riv. Agron., 2008, 3 suppl. pp. 855-856.

5. Dazzi C., Lo Papa G., Palermo V., 2008 Spatio-temporal Effects of Land Use Change on

Anthropogenic Soils Diffusion: A case study in a Mediterranean vineyard area. Advances in

GeoEcology, Vol. 39, Catena Verlag, pp.61-80. Reiskirchen, 2008. ISBN 978-3-923381-56-2. (C. Dazzi,

E. Costantini eds.)