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Biomedicina, Neuroscienze e Diagnostica avanzata



The Department was born with Rector's Decree n.2966 of October 26, 2018 through a merging process involving the Department of Experimental Biomedicine and Clinical Neurosciences (Bio.Ne.C.) and the Department of Biopathology and Medical Biotechnology (Di.Bi.Med.). The main aim of this union is to aggregate the human and material resources that already exist in the two departments of the university in the context of a consolidation and an enrichment of scientific objectives, educational and the specific cultural skills.

The scientific objective of the newly established department is not only to give force, promote and enhance the scientific expertise of individual teachers and research groups but also to contribute, through research, to the growth of social and economic development of the geographical area deepening its relations with the entire context of society. The Department intends to contribute in this direction, through the successful integration of an increasing number of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary projects, based on cooperation with local, national and international institutions. This aspect will find in the Department countless opportunities for growth and development, within a framework of skills such as that attributable to advanced diagnostics, neuroscience and basic research intended as an initial motor and irreplaceable for the subsequent development of themes in pre-clinical and clinical research.

In addition, the Bi.N.D. Department wants to promote objective assessment systems and encouraging the research, on the basis of the guidelines drawn at national level (ANVUR) and at international level. In view of the above, the main objective of the Department is to promote, support, encourage and coordinate research in the biomedical sciences sector understood in a broad sense, including the areas of: Biology and Genetics, macro and microscopic Morphology and biochemical functions at cellular, organ and apparatus level. Another branch of science that shows consolidated scientific skills both disciplinary and technical-applicative is the advanced diagnostics, whose specific vocation is not only the academic scientific research but also to provide specific training for the acquisition of professional skills in the field of laboratory diagnostic and in the diagnostic images implemented to different areas of applied and basic research. Last but not least, the scientific field of neuroscience can be considered a scientific texture of particular importance because it brings together across different skills who have been working effectively with awards both nationally and internationally from basic science to instrumental, clinical and surgical neuroscience.

In this context the Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics moves according to the strategic guidelines indicated below:

Integration and Complementarity disciplinary: multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, able to limit the fragmentation of knowledge and skills.

Application-centric approach of knowledge: in order to acquire professional skills effectively spendable in the world of work.

Innovation: an element inherent in the Mission of the Department constituted as evidenced by the three cultural joints that are efficiently synthesized in the denomination: Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics.

Internationalization: common and transversal essential context to place activities, professional interactions, projects of the constituting Department and, therefore, its placement in a virtuous global dimension.