Research Area
Active Research fields
- Physically based hydrological modelling
- Development of hydrological/environmental models within a GIS framework
- Hydraulic and Geomorhological risk mapping techniques
- Spatial analysis techniques in hydrological/environmental processes
- Urban hydrology and hydraulics
- Statistics hydrology; extreme analysis (flood and drought)
Research projects of the last 5 years
- University of Washington @Seattle, WA, USA
- Georgia Institute of Technology @Atlanta, GA, USA
- University of Michigan @Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Duke University @Durham, NC, USA
- University of Newcastle @Newcastle, UK
Active research
- Two weather radars (single polarization)
- Flux tower (ET and CO2 fluxes measurements)
- Soil moisture sensors (TDR and FDR)
- Raingauges network with GSM/GPRS transmission system
- Two high performance workstations