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Research Area

Active Research fields

Nonviolent management of conflicts.

Relationship between ancient and modern Throught.

Research projects of the last 5 years


La parola e l’ascolto. Stili di interazione verbale e dinamiche di escalation e deescalation del conflitto nei testi dialogici della Grecia antica
Research project ex 60%, funded by University of Palermo, 2013).

2) Taking part to Project "Classici Contro", organized by Ca' Foscari University of Venezia, 2015-2017.

 3) translation into English by Annie Hewitt of a book, with both edited and non yet published essays by Andrea Cozzo about "Riso e sorriso nella gestione nonviolenta dei conflitti".




Alberto Camerotto, Filippomaria Pontani (Ca' Foscari University of Venezia)

Active research

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