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Scienze Politiche e delle relazioni internazionali

Change in the method of sending the exercises of the "DECISION MAKING" Courses

Dec 11, 2020

The students od DEMS are informed that the exercises relating to the:

  • "DECISION MAKING" COURSE as a substitute activity for the internship (4-12 CFU)
  • "DECISION MAKING" COURSE as a training activity in area F (reserved for students of the LM-63 / Public Management curriculum) (4-6 CFU)

must be sent exclusively through a "google forms" within 1 week from the date of the final test. The exercises sent by email to the members of the Examination Commission will not be taken into consideration.

The address of the "google form" to be used for sending the exercises - for each of the 2 courses indicated above - is indicated on the page that describes the program of the Course attended by the student.