The Department of Architecture (DARCH) is formed by: 90 teaching staff members, 36 PhD students, 10 Research Fellows, 21 administrative and technical staff members.
Except for PhD students and Postdoc fellows, teaching staff members are full-time professors of the University of Palermo. They belong to a wide range of academic fields, all in the realm of architecture. Therefore they offer different point of views as well as different approaches to the knowledge of physical transformation of natural and built space. Nevertheless their studies boast a common capacity to envisage, design, plan, represent and deal with these transformations. Appropriate communication of the character and peculiarities of the transformations is also particularly sought after by DARCH.
DARCH’S research is focused on all the wide range of studies of physical environment: design, architectural design, urban design, urban and regional planning, landscape design, design management, preservation projects and preservation-oriented diagnostics.
Director: Francesco Lo Piccolo -
Vicedirector: Rosario Nobile -
Administrative coordinator: Mario Gagliano -
