The word Engineering comes from the Latin ingenium, the same root as the modern word ingenuity. In its original meaning, an engineer was understood to be an intelligent, practical man capable of solving problems. Today, the engineer applies the results of mathematics, physics, chemistry and, in general, the scientific method to problem solving in multiple fields of application and on the basis of his specialization. The engineer not only designs complex and different systems (e.g. mega structures, state-of-the-art mechanical systems, new electronic equipment, software, industrial plants, etc.) but also directs the construction and operation. The Polytechnic School, through its Engineering Departments, offers a wide range of undergraduate courses in the three macro-classes of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Industrial and Information, for all the fields of application that it has to deal with engineer. Under construction...
The most humanistic among the scientific disciplines but also the most scientific among the humanities: Architecture is the science in which mathematics translates into music, structure into poetry, matter into art. The studies in architecture utilize the Vitruvian triad of firmitas, utilitas and venustas in contemporary language: technological innovations renew the structural language; New demands of a changing society require more flexible environments; the aesthetics of functionality is sought as an intrinsic component of quality of life. A fourth component has now become part of the project's essential requirements: the verification of ecological and environmental sustainability. Studies in Architecture, Building Engineering-Architecture, Planning and Design share the design dimension as a common denominator: the research of the quality and sustainability of the project are proposed by the dimension of the design architectural, technology and restoration to product design and visual communication, from the complexity of the city to the macroscale of the landscape.
Economics, Business Economics, Statistics
The economic’s disciplines deals with the study of economic systems, the role and characteristics of all the actors who compose them, but also the interdependencies between them. The Polytechnic School, through the Department of Business Economics and Statistics, presents an interesting educational offer to students who want to undertake this path of study. What is market demand? What is the offer? How does the interaction between these two works? How do consumers choose? What is a company and what are the strategies used for its success? How do you measure your performance? How do you measure social and economic phenomena? How do you do statistical surveys and how do you analyse experimental and social data? These are some questions that the economic area graduate will be able to answer.
The world of agricultural sciences is the "primary sector", the one on which everything derives and on which the health of the planet and the nutrition of each one of us depends. These are the themes of Expo 2015. The agronomist we form in our Master's degrees has a strong interdisciplinary preparation and is dedicated to the management of crop systems, the quality and marketing of food products, but also the management of parks and gardens, and the rural landscape. These are topics of large and topical issues that require flexibility and in-depth knowledge, addressed with the right balance between theory and practical experience. From the field to the table, the role of the Graduate Master in Agricultural Sciences is always fundamental, as guarantor of the production system and the consumer.