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Research Area

Active Research fields

Gut peptides involved in the food intake control: role in obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes

Functional food: anti-oxidant - antiinflammatory actions and beneficial effects against hepatic steatosis and neurodegeneration in the high fat diet mouse. The experiments use a high fat diet obese mice.

Research projects of the last 5 years

"Emerging peptides as beneficial factors in obesity-related disorders" proposal submitted as Principal Investigator - PRIN 2015.


Marta Di Carlo - CNR Palermo

prof. Cerra - UNICAL

Prof. Vannucchi - Florence University

Prof. Tack - katholik University  - Leuven  Belgio

Prof. Wood - ohio university - Columbus  Usa

Active research

Hussing chamber for epithelial permeability measurements

Complete set-up for detecting smooth muscle tension.

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