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Research Area

Active Research fields

Human cytogenetics: karyotype and chromosome study;

Genotoxicity assays of environmental pollutant;

Genotyping of genetic polymorphisms with RT-PCR and taqman chemistry;

Chromosomal immunolocalization of proteins;

Genomic, genic and chromosomic methylation status assesment;

Epigenetic regulation in tumour cells and in in vitro inflammatory models;

Research projects of the last 5 years


2011- PTHrP: a novel key factor controlling stem cell differentiation and angiogenesis fo future large bone replacement (PI: LUPARELLO Claudio);


2012- Selezione di batteri endofiti ed epifiti di leguminose spontanee per il biorisanamento di suoli contaminati (PI: QUATRINI Paola);


2014- Epatotossicità indotta da trattamenti terapeutici ad alte dosi nella tubercolosi: analisi dei polimorfismi VNTR del gene CYP2E1 di pazienti e studio del possibile coinvolgimento patogenetico dell’Aquaporina-9 (PI: CARADONNA Fabio);


2016- Gestione dei boschi nativi come proprietà collettiva. Scambio di conoscenze e buone pratiche per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Profili ecologici, giuridici sociali ed economici in Argentina ed in Italia. (PI: M.L. CARRANZA Università del Molise).


Prof. Rosita Gabbianelli, Associate professor of Biochemistry, University of Camerino (Italia)

Topic: Intergenerational effects of Permethrin.


Prof. M.L. Carranza, Associate professor of Ecology, University of Molise (Italia)

Topic: Management of native woods in Italy and Argentina.


Dr Gabriela de Larranaga, Ospedale "Muniz"ofi Buenos Aires, infectious diseases section (Argentina)

Topic: CYP2E1 gene polymorphisms to manage the epatotossicity due to antitubercolar therapy.

Active research

Lab for cytologic, genetic and molecular researches, fully equipped with a cell culture facility.

Services delivered under the right of third parties

Service: Cytogenetic and molecular analyses"