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Date Title Type Record
2024 Biochar from Digestate Pyrolysis as a Filler for Biopolymer Blends: Effect of Blend Composition Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Influence of a biodegradable contaminant on the mechanical recycling of a low-density polyethylene sample Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Basalt/polypropylene composites: The effects of mechanical reprocessing on their morphological, thermal, rheological and mechanical behavior Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Selection of starter lactic acid bacteria capable of forming biofilms on wooden vat prototypes for their future application in traditional Sicilian goat's milk cheese making Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Influence of Biochar on the Properties of Antibacterial PBAT/Carvacrol Films Articolo in rivista Go to
2024 Analysis on Isotropic and Anisotropic Samples of Polypropylene/Polyethyleneterephthalate Blend/Graphene Nanoplatelets Nanocomposites: Effects of a Rubbery Compatibilizer Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 A Biodegradable, Bio-Based Polymer for the Production of Tools for Aquaculture: Processing, Properties and Biodegradation in Sea Water Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Tailoring morphology and mechanical properties of PLA/PBSA blends optimizing the twin-screw extrusion processing parameters aided by a 1D simulation software Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Recycling of a multilayer barrier food packaging through the use of a nanofiller: Effect of post-consumer plastic bag conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Effect of biobased plasticizers, used as dispersing aids, on mechanical, rheological and thermal properties of micro fibrillated cellulose (MFC)/poly (lactic acid) (PLA) biocomposites over the time: how MFC controls the plasticizer migration? Articolo in rivista Go to
2023 Recyclability of a bio-based biocomposite under different reprocessing conditions Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Toward the Decarbonization of Plastic: Monopolymer Blend of Virgin and Recycled Bio-Based, Biodegradable Polymer Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Lemongrass plant as potential sources of reinforcement for biocomposites: A preliminary experimental comparison between leaf and culm fibers Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Biocomposite PBAT/lignin blown films with enhanced photo-stability Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Green and Integrated Wearable Electrochemical Sensor for Chloride Detection in Sweat Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Physical and antibacterial properties of PLA electrospun mats loaded with carvacrol and nisin Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Compatibilization of Polylactide/Poly(ethylene 2,5-furanoate) (PLA/PEF) Blends for Sustainable and Bioderived Packaging Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Biochar Particles Obtained from Agricultural Carob Waste as a Suitable Filler for Sustainable Biocomposite Formulations Articolo in rivista Go to
2022 Streptomyces coelicolor Vesicles: Many Molecules to Be Delivered Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Physical and biological properties of electrospun poly(d,l-lactide)/nanoclay and poly(d,l-lactide)/nanosilica nanofibrous scaffold for bone tissue engineering Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Structure–property relationships in bionanocomposites for pipe extrusion applications Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Film Blowing of Biodegradable Polymer Nanocomposites for Agricultural Applications Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Bionanocomposite blown films: Insights on the rheological and mechanical behavior Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Carvacrol activated biopolymeric foam: An effective packaging system to control the development of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria on sliced pumpkin and melon Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 PBAT based composites reinforced with microcrystalline cellulose obtained from softwood almond shells Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Polyphasic Characterization of Microbiota of “Mastredda”, a Traditional Wooden Tool Used during the Production of PDO Provola dei Nebrodi Cheese Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Morphology, rheological and mechanical properties of isotropic and anisotropic PP/rPET/GnP nanocomposite samples Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Slow pyrolysis as a method for biochar production from carob waste: Process investigation and products’ characterization Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 In-depth investigation of the safety of wooden shelves used for traditional cheese ripening Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Use of biochar as filler for biocomposite blown films: Structure-processing-properties relationships Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Combining carvacrol and nisin in biodegradable films for antibacterial packaging applications Articolo in rivista Go to
2021 Investigation on the properties and on the photo-oxidation behaviour of polypropylene/fumed silica nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 The Streptomyces coelicolor small ORF trpM stimulates growth and morphological development and exerts opposite effects on actinorhodin and calcium-dependent antibiotic production Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Fabrication of Bismuth Absorber Arrays for NTD-Ge Hard X-ray Microcalorimeters Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Solid state 13C-NMR methodology for the cellulose composition studies of the shells of Prunus dulcis and their derived cellulosic materials Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Fracture behavior and mechanical, thermal, and rheological properties of biodegradable films extruded by flat die and calender Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Effect of processing temperature and mixing time on the properties of PP/GnP nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 In vitro antifungal activity of biopolymeric foam activated with carvacrol Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Effect of ultraviolet and moisture action on biodegradable polymers and their blend Articolo in rivista Go to
2020 Recycling of a biodegradable polymer blend Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Compatibilization of Polypropylene/Polyamide 6 Blend Fibers Using Photo-Oxidized Polypropylene Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Tunable release of Chlorhexidine from Polycaprolactone-based filaments containing graphene nanoplatelets Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Antibacterial biopolymeric foams: Structure–property relationship and carvacrol release kinetics Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Durability of biodegradable polymers for the conservation of cultural heritage Articolo in rivista Go to
2019 Photo-oxidation of polypropylene/graphene nanoplatelets composites Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Reprocessing of PLA/graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 "Compatibilization" through elongational flow processing of LDPE/PA6 blends Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 PLA based biocomposites reinforced with Posidonia oceanica leaves Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Non-isothermal elongational flow of polymer nanocomposites Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Effect of the elongational flow on morphology and properties of polypropylene/graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Injection molding and mechanical properties of bio-based polymer nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2018 Rheological and mechanical properties of biodegradable nanocomposites Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Comportamento al creep di biocompositi a base di PLA in presenza di irraggiamento UV Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Electroplated bismuth absorbers for planar NTD-Ge sensor arrays applied to hard x-ray detection in astrophysics Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Effetto del flusso elongazionale su nanocompositi a base di miscele polimeriche. Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Effect of graphene nanoplatelets on the photo-oxidative behavior of PP based nanocomposites Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Effect of the UV exposure on the creep behaviour of PLA based green composites Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Environmental degradation of polymers for cultural heritage Poster pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Thermomechanical degradation of PP based nanocomposites filled with graphene nanoplatelets eedings Go to
2018 Photo-oxidative behavior of PP/GnP nanocomposites Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Polypropylene/graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposites subjected to elongational flow Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2018 Biopolymeric bilayer films produced by co-extrusion film blowing Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 PLA graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposites: Physical properties and release kinetics of an antimicrobial agent Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Polysaccharide nanocrystals as fillers for PLA based nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Structural and thermal stability of graphene oxide-silica nanoparticles nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Effect of a compatibilizer on the morphology and properties of polypropylene/polyethylentherephthalate spun fibers Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Nanocarbons in electrospun polymeric nanomats for tissue engineering: A review Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Preparation, characterization and hydrolytic degradation of PLA/PCL co-mingled nanofibrous mats prepared via dual-jet electrospinning Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Polycaprolactone-based scaffold for oil-selective sorption and improvement of bacteria activity for bioremediation of polluted water: Porous PCL system obtained by leaching melt mixed PCL/PEG/NaCl composites: Oil uptake performance and bioremediation efficiency Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Enhancement of antibiotic productions by plasma modified PLA electrospun membranes in Streptomyces coelicolor immobilized-cell cultivations Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2017 Bi-layer PCL/PLA scaffold prepared by melt for interface tissue engineering Abstract non pubblicato Go to
2017 Development of polymeric functionally graded scaffolds: A brief review Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Degradation of polymer blends: A brief review Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Structure-properties relationships in melt reprocessed PLA/hydrotalcites nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Plasma modified PLA electrospun membranes for actinorhodin production intensification in Streptomyces coelicolor immobilized-cell cultivations Articolo in rivista Go to
2017 Green Nanocomposites-Based on PLA and Natural Organic Fillers Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2017 The small protein TrpM modulates morpho-physiological differentiation in Streptomyces coelicolor Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2017 Biopolymeric porous structure for selective oil sorption and activity intensification of oil-degrading bacteria Abstract non pubblicato Go to
2017 Morphology and properties of compatibilized PP/PET melt spun fibers Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2017 Reprocessing of PLA based nanocomposites: Effect of nanofiller Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2017 Biopolymeric bilayer films for packaging applications prepared by co-extrusion film blowing Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2017 PLA/PCL nanofibrous blends via multi-jet electrospinning: processing-morphology-property relationships Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2017 Silica as a green exfoliant agent for graphene oxidepolymer nanocomposites prepared in the melt Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2017 Electrospun PCL/GO-g-PEG structures: Processing-morphology-properties relationships Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 A rapid and eco-friendly route to synthesize graphene-doped silica nanohybrids Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Effect of Streptomyces coelicolor M145 cell immobilization on actinorhodin production Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2016 Preparation of three-layered porous PLA/PEG scaffold: Relationship between morphology, mechanical behavior and cell permeability Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Effect of graphene nanoplatelets on the physical and antimicrobial properties of biopolymer-based nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Synthesis and self-assembly of a PEGylated-graphene aerogel Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 A simple method to interpret the rheological behaviour of intercalated polymer nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Effect of PCL/PEG-Based Membranes on Actinorhodin Production in Streptomyces coelicolor Cultivations Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Melt Processed PCL/PEG Scaffold with Discrete Pore Size Gradient for Selective Cellular Infiltration Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Integration of PCL and PLA in a monolithic porous scaffold for interface tissue engineering Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 TrpM, a Small Protein Modulating Tryptophan Biosynthesis and Morpho-Physiological Differentiation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Incorporation of an antibiotic in poly(lactic acid) and polypropylene by melt processing Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 A facile and eco-friendly route to fabricate poly(Lactic acid) scaffolds with graded pore size Articolo in rivista Go to
2016 Functional biopolymer-based nanocomposites incorporating graphene nanoplatelets Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2016 Biopolymer based nanocomposites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets eedings Go to
2016 Preparation and mechanical characterization of polycaprolactone/graphene oxide biocomposite nanofibers eedings Go to
2016 Preparation and characterization of PCL/GO-g-PEG biocomposite nanofiber scaffolds eedings Go to
2016 Melt development of biphasic functionally graded scaffold Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2016 Orientation and exfoliation of clay nanoparticles in the spinning of a nanobiocomposite sample Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in rivista Go to
2016 Synthesis of a biocompatible aerogel based on graphene oxide and a modified polyethylene glycol eedings Go to
2016 Actinorhodin production intensification by nanofibrous membranes in Streptomyces coelicolor cultures Poster pubblicato in volume Go to
2016 Improvement of actinorhodin production yield in Streptomyces coelicolor by immobilized-cell cultivations by using PCL- and PLA-based films Poster pubblicato in volume Go to
2016 Oli essenziali: progressi scientifico-tecnologici per il controllo della crescita microbica eedings Go to
2016 Mechanical behavior of polylactic acid/polycaprolactone porous layered functional composites Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Arundo Donax particles as reinforcement for PLA based composites eedings Go to
2015 Tryptophan promotes morphological and physiological differentiation in Streptomyces coelicolor Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Processing and characterization of highly oriented fibres of biodegradable nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 New polylactic acid composites reinforced with artichoke fibers Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Influence of Drawing on the Antimicrobial and Physical Properties of Chlorhexidine-Compounded Poly(caprolactone) Monofilaments Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Characterization and Processability of Blends of Polylactide Acid with a New Biodegradable Medium-Chain-Length Polyhydroxyalkanoate Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Prediction of the morphology of polymer-clay nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Effect of temperature on the release of carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde incorporated into polymeric systems to control growth and biofilms of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Articolo in rivista Go to
2015 Nuove prospettive di impiego degli oli essenziali incorporati in materiali polimerici: sviluppo di "packaging" antimicrobici eedings Go to
2015 A model for the prediction of the flow curves from interlayer distance and vice versa for intercalated polymer and polymer blend nanocomposites eedings Go to
2015 Processing-property relationships of polypropylene/ciprofloxacin fibers eedings Go to
2015 PCL/PEG based membranes for bacterial cells immobilization stimulate actinorhodin antibiotic production in S. coelicolor Abstract in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume Go to
2015 A small protein is involved in tryptophan biosynthesis and morpho-physiological differentiation in Streptomyces coelicolor Poster pubblicato in volume Go to
2014 PLA based biocomposites reinforced with Arundo donax fillers Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Statistical study of the influence of CNTs purification and plasma functionalization on the properties of Polycarbonate-CNTs nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Pore size graded scaffold for selective cellular permeation eedings Go to
2014 Biocompositi a base di PLA rinforzati con cariche lignocellulosiche ricavate dalla canna comune eedings Go to
2014 Effetto della preparativa sulle proprietà di nanocompositi a base di ossido di grafene eedings Go to
2014 Scaffold con gradiente della dimensione dei pori per la migrazione selettiva di cellule eterotipiche eedings Go to
2014 Rheological behaviour, filmability and mechanical properties of biodegradable polymer films eedings Go to
2014 Antimicrobial thermoplastic materials for biomedical applications prepared by melt processing eedings Go to
2014 Sustained release of carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde from polymeric films to control the monospecies and dual-species biofilm development by E. coli and S. aureus eedings Go to
2014 Comparison of Different Processing Methods to Prepare Poly(lactid acid)–Hydrotalcite Composites Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Graphene oxide-silica nanohybrids as fillers for PA6 based nanocomposites eedings Go to
2014 Nanofilled Thermoplastic-Thermoplastic Polymer Blends Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2014 Rapid and eco-friendly synthesis of graphene oxide-silica nanohybrids eedings Go to
2014 Prediction of the flow curves of thermoplastic polymer/clay systems from torque data Articolo in rivista Go to
2014 Degradation Behavior of Nanocomposite Polymer Blends Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2014 Potenziamento dell’attività antimicrobica di aldeide cinnamica e carvacrolo incorporati in film a base di etilen- vinil- acetato eedings Go to
2013 Preparation and characterization of multilayer porous PLA scaffolds eedings Go to
2013 Thermo-oxidative ageing of an organo-modified clay and effects on the properties of PA6 based nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Fibre antimicrobiche per applicazioni chirurgiche Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Processing – morphology – property relationships of polyamide 6/polyethylene blend–clay nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2013 Multilayer porous PLA scaffolds for tissue engineering applications eedings Go to
2013 Effetto della temperatura sull’attività antimicrobica e antibiofilm di aldeide cinnamica e carvacrolo incorporati in film polimerici eedings Go to
2013 Development and characterization of essential oil component-based polymer films: A potential approach to reduce bacterial biofilm Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 On the use of hydrotalcite in PLA based composites eedings Go to
2012 Effetto dello stiro sulle proprietà fisiche e antimicrobiche di fibre a base di PCL contenenti clorexidina eedings Go to
2012 Uso di idrotalciti in compositi a matrice PLA preparati nel fuso eedings Go to
2012 Photo-oxidative degradation of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)/nisin antimicrobial films Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Effect of small amounts of poly(lactic acid) on the recycling of poly(ethyleneterephtalate) bottles Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Presenza di PLA nel riciclo di PET Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Preparation and characterization of 3D PLA porous scaffolds eedings Go to
2012 Comportamento reologico di nanocompositi a base di miscele HDPE/PA6 eedings Go to
2012 Processing-morphology-properties relationships in HDPE/PA6/Clay nanocomposites eedings Go to
2012 Combining in the melt physical and biological properties of poly(caprolactone) and chlorhexidine to obtain antimicrobial surgical monofilaments Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Physical properties of virgin-recycled ABS blends: Effect of post-consumer content and of reprocessing cycles Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Effetto di differenti metodi di preparazione sulle proprietà morfologiche e fisiche di nanocompositi a base di miscele HDPE/PA6 eedings Go to
2012 Efficacia di film polimerici a base di etilen-vinil-acetato e componenti di oli essenziali nei confronti del biofilm eedings Go to
2012 Study on carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde polymeric films: mechanical properties, release kinetics and antibacterial and antibiofilm activities Articolo in rivista Go to
2012 Nuovi fili da sutura multifunzionali a rilascio controllato di sostanze antimicrobiche, antibiotiche, cicatrizzanti. Brevetto Go to
2012 Effect of cold drawing on the antimicrobial and physical properties of PCL/CHX monofilaments eedings Go to
2011 Preparation and Characterization of PLA-Hydrotalcite Nanocomposites eedings Go to
2011 Surface Modification of Poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) with Amino-Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Effetto della presenza di piccoli quantitativi di PLA nel riciclo di contenitori in PET eedings Go to
2011 Incorporation of nisin in poly (ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) films by melt processing: a study on the antimicrobial properties Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Effetto dei metodi di lavorazione sulle proprietà di nanocompositi PLA/idrotalcite eedings Go to
2011 Effect of kind and content of organo-modified clay on properties of PET nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2011 Antimicrobial properties and release profile of monofilaments incorporating chlorhexidine for surgical applications eedings Go to
2011 Polimeri antibatterici contenenti carvacrolo come approccio innovativo per il controllo del biofilm eedings Go to
2011 Nanohybrid surface based on covalent linkage of amino-functionalized silica nanoparticles on EAA polymeric substrate eedings Go to
2011 Preparazione e caratterizzazione di fibre a base di PCL con proprietà antimicrobiche per applicazioni chirurgiche eedings Go to
2011 PLA-hydrotalcite nanocomposites: effect of processing methods eedings Go to
2011 Surface Modification of Poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) with Amino-Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles eedings Go to
2011 Development and characterization of antimicrobial PCL fibres for surgical suture applications eedings Go to
2010 Photo-oxidation Behaviour of EVA Antimicrobial Films eedings Go to
2010 Modifica superficiale di film di polietilene–co–acido acrilico eedings Go to
2010 Effect of Different Matrices and Nanofillers on the Rheological Behavior of Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Modification of carboxyl groups of poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) via facile wet chemistry method: A kinetic study Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Influence of PLA on the recycling of PET bottles eedings Go to
2010 Preparation and characterization of polyamide 6/polyethylene blend-clay nanocomposites in the presence of compatibilisers and stabilizing system Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 EVA antimicrobial films prepared by melt processing eedings Go to
2010 Proprietà di film antimicrobici a base di EVA preparati tramite filmatura in bolla eedings Go to
2010 Imballaggi antimicrobici estrusi Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Control of biofilm formation by poly-ethylene-co-vinyl acetate films incorporating nisin Articolo in rivista Go to
2010 Influence of Nisin on Photo-stability of EVA Antimicrobial Films eedings Go to
2009 Mechanism of formation of char coating in LDPE/organoclay nanocomposites eedings Go to
2009 Antimicrobial activity of EVA blown films containing nisin eedings Go to
2009 Characterization of annealed LDPE/clay nanocomposites eedings Go to
2009 Chemical Reactions occurring in the molten state between Ny6 and Oxazoline groups linked to a Cyclophosphazene moiety eedings Go to
2009 Photo-oxidation of polyolefin/clay nanocomposite films: role of organoclay and matrix type eedings Go to
2009 Chemical Reactions occurring in the molten state between Ny6 and Oxazoline groups linked to a Cyclophosphazene moiety eedings Go to
2009 Control of biofilm formation by poly-ethylene-co-vinyl acetate films incorporating nisin eedings Go to
2009 On the use of polyolefins based nanocomposites for film blowing applications Capitolo o Saggio Go to
2009 Controllo della crescita e formazione di biofilm su film polimerici contenenti nisina eedings Go to
2009 Preparation and characterization of polyolefin- based nanocomposite blown films for agricultural applications Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Preparazione e caratterizzazione di film a base di EVA con proprietà antimicrobiche eedings Go to
2009 Film di EVA con attività antibatterica eedings Go to
2009 Reactions occurring during the melt mixing of nylon 6 and oxazoline - Cyclophosphazene units Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 Competition between chain scission and branching formation in the processing of high-density polyethylene: effect of processing parameters and of stabilizers Articolo in rivista Go to
2009 The role of organoclay and matrix type in photo-oxidation of poliolefin/clay nanocomposite films Articolo in rivista Go to
2008 Rheological Behaviour of polyolefin based nanocomposites in isothermal and non-isothermal elongational flow eedings Go to
2008 Preparazione e caratterizzazione di film poliolefinici nanocompositi per applicazioni in agricoltura eedings Go to
2008 Improvement of the photo-stability of nanocomposite based LDPE/EVA films eedings Go to
2008 Influence of the matrix on photo-oxidative degradation of polyolefin based nanocomposite films eedings Go to
2007 Conductive polymer composites based on cyclic butylene terephtalate oligimers and carbon fibers eedings Go to
2007 Foto-ossidazione di film nanocompositi a base LDPE/EVA eedings Go to
2007 Compatibilization of polymer blends by using a cyclophosphazene additive eedings Go to
2007 Effect of annealing under different atmospheres on polyethylene-clay nanocomposite eedings Go to
2007 Photo-stability of LDPE/EVA – based nanocomposite films eedings Go to
2007 Role of oxyegen on rheological response of polyethylene–clay nanocomposites to annealing eedings Go to
2007 Reactivity of cyclophosphazenes with end functionalised Ny6 samples and EAA copolyme eedings Go to
2007 Polyethylene–clay nanocomposite: Effect of annealing under different atmospheres eedings Go to
2007 Rheological Response of Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites to Annealing Treatment Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 Nanocompositi e microcompositi: lavorabilità e proprietà meccaniche Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 Effect of thermal treatment time on the rheological behaviour of PE based nanocomposites eedings Go to
2006 Effect of adding new phosphazene compounds in polybutyleneterephthalate/polyamide blends. II: Effect of difefrent polyamides on the properties of extruded samples Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 Effect of adding new phosphazene compounds to poly(butylene terephthalate)/polyamide blends. II: Effect of different polyamides on the properties of extruded samples Articolo in rivista Go to
2006 Modification of viscoelastic properties of polyethylene based nanocomposites after thermal treatment eedings Go to
2006 Annealing time dependent rheological properties of polyethylene based nanocomposites eedings Go to
2005 Effect of thermal cycles on the rheological behaviour of polymerclay nanocomposites eedings Go to
2005 Effect of adding new phosphazene compounds to poly(butylene terephthalate)/polyamide blends. I: Preliminary study in a batch mixer Articolo in rivista Go to