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Commission AQ


The PhD Course in Physical and Chemical Sciences, based on the indications of the Quality Assurance of Palermo University, carries out monitoring and revision activities such as the collection, consultation and analysis of data deriving from internal evaluation. To this purpose, the PhD Board makes use of the assistance of the Quality Assurance (AQ) Commission which provides for the analysis of the objectives and the general structure of the Course to adopt strategies for improving the management of the PhD Course.



The AQ Commission for the PhD in Physical and Chemical Sciences is appointed by the PhD Board and is composed of the Dean of PhD board, who carries out the functions of Coordinator of the Commission, two teachers of the PhD Board (one for each CUN area: 02 Physics and 03 Chemistry), a unit of technical-administrative staff, three representatives of the PhD students (one per cycle) chosen from among the members of the PhD Board.

Currently, the members of the AQ Commission are:

Prof. Marco Cannas (coordinator)

Prof. Marco Miceli

Prof. Francesco Ferrante

Dr. Antonio Prestianni (technical-administrative representative)

Dr. Francesco Barra (representative of PhD students of the 38th cycle)

Dr. Gabriele Cozzo (representative of PhD students of the 37th cycle)

Dr. Laura Gueci (representative of PhD students of the 36th cycle)



The AQ Commission assists the Coordinator in the monitoring activities of the Quality Assurance System, of Palermo University. The Commission is responsible for:

1) draw up the document analyzing the results of the PhD students' questionnaires;

2) draw up the annual self-evaluation report and the cyclical review report;

3) coordinate all monitoring activities and proposals for improving the course.


For further information, please refer to the University guidelines