Build your customized path, explore and turn your research around!
TracciarisorseOpen is a discipline index, equipped with its own internal search engine, built around the information needs of academic users. TracciarisorseOpen helps you take the most convenient path for your search!
Choose a discipline, add, if you want, a specific type of resource (dictionary, database, etc.) and explore your customized search path to retrieve reliable and quality open access information on the web.
This service is managed by the Monitoring, analysis and development of library services and digital reference office, with the collaboration of UNIPA librarians.
To date, there are about 1,000 indexed resources
What's TracciarisorseOpen
It is a directory by subject, equipped with an internal search engine, aimed at meeting the information and cognitive needs of academic users.
TracciarisorseOpen has as its priority objective to index digital open access, quality, and accredited resources, belonging to the most varied university disciplines.
The user-friendly interface of TracciarisorseOpen allows not only to select the disciplinary scope but at the same time also the type of resource object of interest (database, EJournals, Ebooks, dictionary etc.) thus allowing the user to identify targeted and personalized search paths aimed at finding trusted resources on the network.
The service is aimed at students, but it is also a valid research tool for teachers, researchers, librarians, the university's technical and administrative staff, and for anyone who wants to carry out research on the net.
TracciarisorseOpen for students: it is a valid tool to find material for the drafting of papers and thesis. The disciplines indexed in TracciarisorseOpen in fact follow the university's educational offer and reflect its complex and consolidated scientific articulation.
TracciarisorseOpen for teachers and researchers: The tool facilitates scientific research by indexing accredited and quality free open access resources.
Resources for measuring and evaluating scientific productivity, resources for patent research and teaching materials for students have also been included.
TracciarisorseOpen for librarians: Provides valuable support for disciplinary reference activity and user orientation.
TracciarisorseOpen for technical and administrative staff: it is a valuable aid for office work. It is in fact possible to find legal sources of quality with free access: regulations, journals, jurisprudence, press agencies, etc.
What's inside TracciarisorseOpen?
Within TracciarisorseOpen it is possible to find indexed digital resources with free access currently selected and carefully evaluated by the Monitoring, analysis and development office of library services and digital reference with the collaboration of University’s librarians.
In selecting resources, priority was given to general disciplinary research tools particularly suitable for academic users: editorial platforms, databases, repositories, digital libraries, online catalogues, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, search engines, portals, sites, social networks, etc.
Thanks to the provision of quality open access scientific resources, TracciarisorseOpen contributes to the promotion of Open Access within the University of Palermo, which in 2004 expressed its support for the international Open Access movement by signing the Messina Declaration in support of open access to scientific literature.
Who's behind TracciarisorseOpen:
TracciarisorseOpen is a project currently coordinated by the Monitoring, analysis and development office of library services and digital reference that inherited it in 2017 from the Digital Library office that had designed the tool and put it into production in 2014 with the aim of promoting the use of electronic resources, both those of the University and open access on the network, to academic users with particular attention to the information needs of students.
Ongoing and future activities
The current presence of the Discovery Tool Service in which all the digital reserved access resources, purchased centrally by the University are indexed, together with open access resources, has led us to make a different choice in relation to the contents to be inserted: we are in fact proceeding gradually to the exclusive insertion of open access resources with characteristics and with paths dedicated to specific categories of users, updated in relation to the current study courses.
Grow TracciarisorseOpen
If you know a quality and accredited Open Access resource you can report it by sending the title of the resource, the web address to reach it and a short description.
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J-STAGE - Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator
SAN - Sistema archivistico nazionale
Saper comunicare: cenni di scrittura tecnico-scientifica / Politecnico di Torino Agraria Arte e Architettura Botanica Letteratura e media Linea del tempo Scienza Scienze umane Spettacolo Sport Zoologia Zootecnia e Veterinaria
SBN - Catalogo del Servizio Bibliotecario nazionale
Collective catalogue of libraries participating in the National Library Service. It is joined by state libraries, local, university, public and private institutions, operating in different disciplinary fields.
Through the SBN OPAC it is possible to identify documents of interest; identify the libraries that have such documents and access the personal data sheet of the individual library; access local catalogs for additional information on document availability; access the remotely lending service or the provision of reproduced documents (ILL SBN) through the libraries participating in that service.
SciCentral: gateway to the best online science resources
SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
Scientia Research Library
Scientificast è un podcast di divulgazione scientifica prodotto dall'omonima associazione culturale con lo scopo di supportare la diffusione di una corretta informazione scientifica ai non addetti ai lavori. Le puntate hanno una cadenza mensile, durano in media un'ora e presentano un approccio ai temi scientifici basato su un linguaggio informale, semplice ma rigoroso.
Scientist Solutions
Sci Forschen
SCImago Journal & Country Rank
SciMed Central
Scrivere in medicina
Scrivere tesi e tesine: breve guida pratica / Università degli studi di Siena
SDBS: Spectral Database for Organic Compounds
Segnaweb: Acronimi, abbreviazioni, sigle
Segnaweb: Agricoltura e zootecnia
Segnaweb: Alimentazione
Segnaweb: Amministrazione pubblica
Segnaweb: Antropologia e archeologia
Segnaweb: Architettura
Segnaweb: Archivi e Archivistica
Segnaweb: Arti visive e plastiche
Segnaweb: Astronomia
Segnaweb: Biblioteche e Cataloghi
Thematic section dedicated to Segnaweb libraries and catalogues, the repertoire of quality websites selected by an editorial staff of Italian librarians. It takes into account the following aspects:
- Libraries: where they are, what they offer
- Catalogs available on the web (OPAC)
- Specialized OPAC finders and italian and foreign library websites
- Guides to learn more
Segnaweb: Biologia
Segnaweb: Botanica
Segnaweb: Brevetti e marchi
Segnaweb: Chimica
Segnaweb: Cinema
Segnaweb: Comunicazione e marketing
Segnaweb: Diritto
Segnaweb: Disabili
Segnaweb: Ecologia, meteo e ambiente
Segnaweb: Economia, imprese e management
Segnaweb: Educazione
Segnaweb: Finanza, moneta e banche
Segnaweb: Geografia, atlanti e mappe
Segnaweb: Geologia
Segnaweb: Informatica
Segnaweb: Internet
Segnaweb: Letteratura italiana
Segnaweb: Lingua italiana
Segnaweb: Lingue e linguistica, traduttori
Segnaweb: Matematica e statistica
Segnaweb: Medicina e farmacia
Segnaweb: Musica
Segnaweb: Politica
Segnaweb: Psicologia
Segnaweb: Religioni
Segnaweb: risorse Internet selezionate dai bibliotecari italiani
Segnaweb: Scienza dell'informazione e biblioteconomia
Segnaweb: Servizi sociali
Segnaweb: Sociologia e societÃ
Segnaweb: Spettacoli e teatro
Segnaweb: Storia
Segnaweb: Stranieri e immigrazione
Segnaweb: Turismo e viaggi
Segnaweb: Urbanistica e paesaggio
Segnaweb: Veterinaria
Segnaweb: Zoologia
Senato della Repubblica - Banche dati specialistiche
Serial Cloner
Si dice o non si dice?
SIMBAD Astronomical Database
SIRIO SIstema RIviste Open access
Siti consigliati / CSB di Economia Università degli studi di Genova
Siti di interesse musicologico / Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
Social Science Research Network eLibrary
Spoglio periodici architettura CNBA
Sportello Matematico
The Mathematical Desk Team, made up of a group of experts in applied mathematics research, offers support to companies through a Technological Audit that includes the analysis of industrial processes and the scientific framework of the opportunities that have emerged.