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TracciarisorseOpen is a discipline index, equipped with its own internal search engine, built around the information needs of academic users. TracciarisorseOpen helps you take the most convenient path for your search!

Choose a discipline, add, if you want, a specific type of resource (dictionary, database, etc.) and explore your customized search path to retrieve reliable and quality open access information on the web.

This service is managed by the Monitoring, analysis and development of library services and digital reference office, with the collaboration of UNIPA librarians.

To date, there are about 1,000 indexed resources

TracciarisorseOpen Short Guide

It is a directory by subject, equipped with an internal search engine, aimed at meeting the information and cognitive needs of academic users.

TracciarisorseOpen has as its priority objective to index digital open access, quality, and accredited resources, belonging to the most varied university disciplines.

The user-friendly interface of TracciarisorseOpen allows not only to select the disciplinary scope but at the same time also the type of resource object of interest (database, EJournals, Ebooks, dictionary etc.) thus allowing the user to identify targeted and personalized search paths aimed at finding trusted resources on the network.

The service is aimed at students, but it is also a valid research tool for teachers, researchers, librarians, the university's technical and administrative staff, and for anyone who wants to carry out research on the net.


TracciarisorseOpen for students: it is a valid tool to find material for the drafting of papers and thesis. The disciplines indexed in TracciarisorseOpen in fact follow the university's educational offer and reflect its complex and consolidated scientific articulation.


TracciarisorseOpen for teachers and researchers: The tool facilitates scientific research by indexing accredited and quality free open access resources.

Resources for measuring and evaluating scientific productivity, resources for patent research and teaching materials for students have also been included.

TracciarisorseOpen for librarians: Provides valuable support for disciplinary reference activity and user orientation.


TracciarisorseOpen for technical and administrative staff: it is a valuable aid for office work. It is in fact possible to find legal sources of quality with free access: regulations, journals, jurisprudence, press agencies, etc.


What's inside TracciarisorseOpen?

Within TracciarisorseOpen it is possible to find indexed digital resources with free access currently selected and carefully evaluated by the Monitoring, analysis and development office of library services and digital reference with the collaboration of University’s librarians.

In selecting resources, priority was given to general disciplinary research tools particularly suitable for academic users: editorial platforms, databases, repositories, digital libraries, online catalogues, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, search engines, portals, sites, social networks, etc.

Thanks to the provision of quality open access scientific resources, TracciarisorseOpen contributes to the promotion of Open Access within the University of Palermo, which in 2004 expressed its support for the international Open Access movement by signing the Messina Declaration in support of open access to scientific literature.


Who's behind TracciarisorseOpen:

TracciarisorseOpen is a project currently coordinated by the Monitoring, analysis and development office of library services and digital reference that inherited it in 2017 from the Digital Library office that had designed the tool and put it into production in 2014 with the aim of promoting the use of electronic resources, both those of the University and open access on the network, to academic users with particular attention to the information needs of students.


Ongoing and future activities

The current presence of the Discovery Tool Service in which all the digital reserved access resources, purchased centrally by the University are indexed, together with open access resources, has led us to make a different choice in relation to the contents to be inserted: we are in fact proceeding gradually to the exclusive insertion of open access resources with characteristics and with paths dedicated to specific categories of users, updated in relation to the current study courses.



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If you know a quality and accredited Open Access resource you can report it by sending the title of the resource, the web address to reach it and a short description.

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Search engine that draws on the databases of the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens by retrieving information material of various kinds: bibliographies, nomenclatures, taxonomies, publications, etc. 



Portal containing news and information related to paleontology and its history, a reasoned sitography and a frequented forum useful for scholars and enthusiasts.


Section of the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal HighWay Administration (FHWA) website containing electronic resources (manuals, workshops, reports) on the design and maintenance of the nation's highway system.

Pavia University Press

Pavia University Press (Pavia-UP) is the publishing house of the University of Pavia, established with the aim of disseminating teaching tools and research results conducted in the University and other specialized centers.




Pensioni e Lavoro

Free online information portal to bring readers closer to public and supplementary pension provision. The aim is therefore to provide, in a simple and fast way, all the contents and tools useful to guide public users on issues related to pensions and the world of work

Periodici open access / ISPRA

Rassegna di periodici ad accesso libero a cura dell' Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale. Il repertorio è organizzato secondo le seguenti classi disciplinari: biochimica, biotecnologie, ecologia, geofisica e geomagnetismo, geografia, geologia, meteorologia e climatologia, microbiologia, oceanografia, pesca, acquacoltura, scienze ambientali, scienze della terra, scienze delle piante, silvicoltura, tecnologia ambientale, zoologia.


Free online information portal to bring readers closer to public and supplementary pension provision. The aim is therefore to provide, in a simple and fast way, all the contents and tools useful to guide public users on issues related to pensions and the world of work.


Risorsa informativa gratuita per fisioterapisti a livello internazionale: offre una piattaforma per la condivisione di esperienze e conoscenze.


Pythagoras is an internationally accredited open access peer reviewed periodical. The online magazine also provides a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of current research and developments in mathematical education at national and international level.

Pikaia - Il portale dell'evoluzione

Born in 2004 from the idea of a group of researchers from the University of Milano Bicocca, the Pikaia Portal aims to communicate and share on social networks in a simple way all the news that appear from day to day, in the field of evolution, providing a reliable and constant service to researchers, students, teachers, and to all internet users interested in the adventure of the evolution of life and humans on Earth.



Prende il nome dal famoso catalogo che il poeta greco Callimaco realizzò per la Biblioteca di Alessandria questa metarisorsa multidisciplinare che offre l'accesso ad una serie di portali di qualità, utili per la ricerca, che coprono i principali ambiti disciplinari. 

PLEIADI - Ricerca negli archivi

PLEIADI (Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali) è un progetto sviluppato dai consorzi Cilea e Caspur con il fine di sviluppare la cultura open access. Il servizio offre la funzionalità di ricerca tra i  contenuti di archivi digitali e depositi istituzionali di pubblicazioni scientifiche ad accesso libero creati da Università ed Enti di ricerca per lo più italiani, consentendo il recupero del full-text. Alla ricerca è possibile applicare dei filtri, tra cui si segnala quello per classe MIUR. Trova altri motori di ricerca scientifici multidisciplinari nell'apposita sezione del sito.

PLoS Journals

Gruppo di 12 riviste scientifiche peer-reviewed ad accesso libero pubblicate dalla Public Library of Science, organizzazione non profit che persegue i principi della cultura open access nella comunicazione scientifica. Le riviste del gruppo fanno largo uso degli strumenti del web 2.0: servizi di e-alert ed RSS feeds, blogs, facebook, twitter. Titoli delle riviste: 

PMI- Piccole e Medie Imprese

The first and only Italian web portal that deals exclusively with ICT (Information and Communications Technology) information and Business aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises, deals clearly and rigorously with all the theoretical and practical aspects related to business life.

Ponti del XIX secolo

The first and only Italian web portal that deals exclusively with ICT (Information and Communications Technology) information and Business aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises, deals clearly and rigorously with all the theoretical and practical aspects related to business life.

Portale del Servizio Geologico d'Italia

On the Portal of the Geological Service of Italy it is possible to consult the information available at the Department of Soil Defense, starting from a search through metadata, or the "information that describes the territorial data sets and the services related to them and that allow you to search, store and use such data and services".

[More information]

PORTO - Publications Open Repository Torino

PORTO is the open archive of the Politecnico di Torino that collects all publications produced by the university scientific community accompanied by open access full-text.


Open access directory of multidisciplinary and multilingual theses downloadable in pdf format.


Multidisciplinary platform of free-access pre-print scientific articles downloadable in pdf format

Progetto Dighe

Portal that provides technical information about dams and their construction. The portal also collects articles, legal regulations and videos on hydroelectric power plants and hydraulic works.

projekt dyabola

Collective catalogue of some German archaeological institutes, including that of the German Archaeological Institute of Rome specialized in antiquities. The catalogue gives the possibility to search by author or subject and export the data.

[More information]

Protocol Online

Collection of free-access online lab protocols broken down by categories


Psicoadvisor is a project by Ana Maria Sepe, Psychologist-Psychotherapist, which addresses all the themes of psychology, hosting only unpublished contributions from professionals.


PsychOpen, managed by the Leibniz Institute, is an editorial platform that collects and publishes periodicals and ebooks in the field of psychology on behalf of professional bodies, institutions and companies. All resources are subject to a strict peer-review process and adhere to the highest scientific standards.


Psycommunity is a webcommunity whose resources are available to all visitors who in various ways are interested in the topics described. A community area is reserved for professional psychologists enrolled in the Order of Psychologists and requires an absolutely free membership. In Psycommunity you can find scientific articles, interviews and book reviews regarding the world of psychology




Publish or Perish

Publish or Perish è un software gratuito disponibile per Windows e Linux. Utilizza le queries di Google Scholar per ottenere informazioni sulle citazioni ed effettuare l'analisi dell’impatto delle pubblicazioni di un autore allo scopo di ottenere l'H-Index e una serie di altre statistiche quantitative.