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TracciarisorseOpen is a discipline index, equipped with its own internal search engine, built around the information needs of academic users. TracciarisorseOpen helps you take the most convenient path for your search!
Choose a discipline, add, if you want, a specific type of resource (dictionary, database, etc.) and explore your customized search path to retrieve reliable and quality open access information on the web.
This service is managed by the Monitoring, analysis and development of library services and digital reference office, with the collaboration of UNIPA librarians.
To date, there are about 1,000 indexed resources
What's TracciarisorseOpen
It is a directory by subject, equipped with an internal search engine, aimed at meeting the information and cognitive needs of academic users.
TracciarisorseOpen has as its priority objective to index digital open access, quality, and accredited resources, belonging to the most varied university disciplines.
The user-friendly interface of TracciarisorseOpen allows not only to select the disciplinary scope but at the same time also the type of resource object of interest (database, EJournals, Ebooks, dictionary etc.) thus allowing the user to identify targeted and personalized search paths aimed at finding trusted resources on the network.
The service is aimed at students, but it is also a valid research tool for teachers, researchers, librarians, the university's technical and administrative staff, and for anyone who wants to carry out research on the net.
TracciarisorseOpen for students: it is a valid tool to find material for the drafting of papers and thesis. The disciplines indexed in TracciarisorseOpen in fact follow the university's educational offer and reflect its complex and consolidated scientific articulation.
TracciarisorseOpen for teachers and researchers: The tool facilitates scientific research by indexing accredited and quality free open access resources.
Resources for measuring and evaluating scientific productivity, resources for patent research and teaching materials for students have also been included.
TracciarisorseOpen for librarians: Provides valuable support for disciplinary reference activity and user orientation.
TracciarisorseOpen for technical and administrative staff: it is a valuable aid for office work. It is in fact possible to find legal sources of quality with free access: regulations, journals, jurisprudence, press agencies, etc.
What's inside TracciarisorseOpen?
Within TracciarisorseOpen it is possible to find indexed digital resources with free access currently selected and carefully evaluated by the Monitoring, analysis and development office of library services and digital reference with the collaboration of University’s librarians.
In selecting resources, priority was given to general disciplinary research tools particularly suitable for academic users: editorial platforms, databases, repositories, digital libraries, online catalogues, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, search engines, portals, sites, social networks, etc.
Thanks to the provision of quality open access scientific resources, TracciarisorseOpen contributes to the promotion of Open Access within the University of Palermo, which in 2004 expressed its support for the international Open Access movement by signing the Messina Declaration in support of open access to scientific literature.
Who's behind TracciarisorseOpen:
TracciarisorseOpen is a project currently coordinated by the Monitoring, analysis and development office of library services and digital reference that inherited it in 2017 from the Digital Library office that had designed the tool and put it into production in 2014 with the aim of promoting the use of electronic resources, both those of the University and open access on the network, to academic users with particular attention to the information needs of students.
Ongoing and future activities
The current presence of the Discovery Tool Service in which all the digital reserved access resources, purchased centrally by the University are indexed, together with open access resources, has led us to make a different choice in relation to the contents to be inserted: we are in fact proceeding gradually to the exclusive insertion of open access resources with characteristics and with paths dedicated to specific categories of users, updated in relation to the current study courses.
Grow TracciarisorseOpen
If you know a quality and accredited Open Access resource you can report it by sending the title of the resource, the web address to reach it and a short description.
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A German search engine by subject for searching scientific literature, through a user interface available in 27 different languages.
DART Europe E-theses
DART-Europe is a web portal which gives free online access to research theses from European universities, collected via the OAI-PMH protocol. It is the output of a cooperation project among academic libraries and library consortia, with some support by LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche) and NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations), with the aim to promote free access to research products.
Database machine drawings
A database of digitised images, selected and retrieved from architecture and engineering manuals ranging from 1200 to 1650.
Database of Zeolite Structures
Database on the mineral structures of the zeolites group, approved by the International Zeolite Association (IZA-SC).
Databases and Guides / ITTIG
Database featuring and index of law documents, as well as links to other databases and sources of information on Law.
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
A directory of publications in the field of Information Engineering, comprising bibliographic citations in BibTex format.
De Gruyter
Editorial platform that offers a wide range of open access ebooks and periodicals related to numerous disciplinary areas
DFP. Prospect of law documentation on the internet
A section of the DFP (Documentazione di fonte pubblica in rete) website in which web resources that are useful for either document retrieval or professional development are arranged through a table offering rapid visualization, with regard to: national, regional, EU legislation; Court decisions; jurisprudence; reference on scientific literature in the field of Law.
DFP. Prospect of online documentation on Parliament activity
A section of the DFP (Documentazione di fonte pubblica in rete) website in which web resources that offer documentation on the activity of parliamentary bodies (Camera and Senato) are arranged through a table offering rapid visualization.
DFP. Prospect of online reources on regional legislation
A section of the DFP (Documentazione di fonte pubblica in rete) website in which web resources regarding regional legislation in Italy (official bulletins, collections of laws) are arranged through a table offering rapid visualization and direct links to the digital resources.
DFP - Documentazione di fonte pubblica in rete
A wide directory, very relevant for searching information, documents and services produced by Italian public institutions. It is developed by a working group formed for the task within the Italian Library Association (AIB). DPF allows for both browsing resources through their classification system, and searching individual resources through the inner search engine.
Dialoghi mediterranei
A bi-monthly journal issued by the Istituto euroarabo of Mazara del Vallo, it features as an important observation point on Mediterranean civilization as well as European and Arab cultures. In the website, contents are arranged not only by years/issues of publication, but also by subject clusters. Papers can be reviewed online through a digital environment open for debate on the themes covered by the journal.
A web portal devoted to Medicine. It includes a variety of information tools and services: an encyclopedia on the main medical pathologies, a platform for on-line advice, a quick guide on pharmas, a food database, a directory of ASL services and pharmacies, a guide on lab tests and exams, etc.
DICE - Database for Institutional Comparisons in Europe
A database containing data, charts, tables, reports and economic indicators about the political, economic and social conditions in the countries of European Union, Switzerland, USA and Japan.
Dictionary of Art Historians – DAH
The Dictionary of Art Historians – DAH is a free access database which aims at providing scholars with basic documentation on the main art historians in western countries. The database allow to find biographic and bibliographic information on art historians, including very specific details that often are hard to be retrieved. For each entry, users will get information on the art historians' education, the masters who influenced them, and their methodology (including information from hidden sources in a variety of foreign languages).
A web portal and directory for education and learning, including (and giving access to) quality materials and tools with regard to school (teaching activities, research in education, information, studies and essays, pastime and didactic entertaining).
Dienneti. Sport Education
Portale che offre gratuitamente una vasta selezione di risorse e materiale per la didattica, la ricerca, l'informazione, lo studio, lo svago e l'intrattenimento educativo su svariati campi disciplinari.
Digital book index
A multi-discipline metasearch offering access to over 165,000 e-books by commercial and no profit publishers, of which more than 140,000 are freely accessible.
Digital Imaging Project
More than 24,000 images of art history, sculpture and architecture from prehistory to post-modern, indexed and searchable by sites, artist names, architects or chronology.
Digitalisierte Archäologiezeitschriften im Überblick
Archive of about 60 magazines no longer published between the second half of the 1800s and the first thirty years of the 1900s digitized with free access. A menu to the left of the screen highlights resources alphabetically to facilitate searching with explicit indication of the vintages owned.
Digital Library of the Royal Botanical Garden - Madrid
The digital library of the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid was started through a digitization project which began in 2003, and is constantly updated. The project aims at adding value to the enormous bibliographic collections held in the Library. It is possible to access online the digital version of a great number of early printed books, among which some very rare editions, a great deal of herbaria plus a rich list of online journals and relevant websites specialised in Botany.
A directory of online theses in German. Full-text is available under payment.
Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona
Institutional resource containing open access digital versions of publications related to the teaching, research and institutional activities of teachers of the University of Barcelona and other members of the university community.
Online portal specialised in Italian Law, which gives the user the opportunity to perform searches on current Italian and international legislation and jurisprudence, and includes a wide collection of law documentation arranged by subject. It maintains the search engine "Cicerone", a specialised tool for research of scientific literature in the field of Law.
Diritto e disabilità - VIPD
A database within the ITTIG (Istituto di Teorie e Tecniche dell'Informazione giuridica) website, containing around 10,000 documents relevant for the assistance and support to disabled people (EU documents, international documentation, jurisprudence, legislation aspects, regional legislation).
Diritto penale contemporaneo
A website for professionals in Criminal Law (national and international) comprising access to a specific e-journal, a section devoted to law decisions and other news on legal and jurisprudential matters, plus links to degree theses, bibliographic descriptions and a CEDU observatory.
Directory of theses and dissertations. Users can upload their own work in an e-book format and freely access an abstract or preview some ocntent from other people's theses (full-text download is allowed only by payment).
DIVA: Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet
A web portal for simultaneous access to a number of different repositories in various North-European universities (e.g., Sweden, Norway). It is a digital archive which allows for the retrieval of theses, dissertations and other academic publications.
Dizionari bilingue
A directory of bilingual dictionaries, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari dei dialetti
A directory of dictionaries on dialects, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari dei linguaggi, neologismi e slang
A directory of dictionaries on spoken languages, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari dell'arte, dell'artigianato e delle arti minori e applicate
A directory of dictionaries on art, handicraft and decorative arts, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari dell'educazione e della pedagogia
A directory of dictionaries on education science, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari delle lingue classiche (Greco e Latino)
A directory of dictionaries on ancient Greek and Latin, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari delle sigle, abbreviazioni, acronimi
A directory of dictionaries of acronyms and abbreviations, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari dello spettacolo
A directory of dictionaries on cinema, drama, dancing and live performances, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari dello sport e dei giochi
A directory of dictionaries on sports, being a section of the Dienneti multi-discipline portal.
Repertorio di dizionari dedicati allo sport sul sito Dienneti, il portale che offre gratuitamente una vasta selezione di risorse e materiale didattico, di ricerca, studio, informazione su svariati campi disciplinari.
Dizionari del marketing e della pubblicità e comunicazione
A directory of dictionaries on marketing and communication science, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari di informatica e internet
A directory of dictionaries on computer science and Internet, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari di medicina, salute e igiene
A directory of dictionaries on medicine, health and hygiene, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari di psicologia, filosofia, scienze sociali
A directory of dictionaries on psychology, philosophy and social sciences, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari di religione, teologia, teosofia, scienze umane
A directory of dictionaries on religions, theology, human sciences, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari e glossari della musica
A directory of dictionaries on music, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari e glossari di economia e finanza
A directory of dictionaries on economics and finance, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari e glossari di tecnica e tecnologia
A directory of dictionaries on technology, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari e glossari letterari
A directory of dictionaries on literature, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari e traduttori
A directory of language dictionaries and translation tools, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari geografici
A directory of dictionaries on geography, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari giuridici
A directory of dictionaries on law, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari Larousse
A directory of free dictionaries on French (some bilingual), being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari multilingue
A directory of multilingual dictionaries, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionario biografico degli italiani
On the Treccani Institute website users can find all the entries in the "Dizionario biografico degli italiani", one of the most frequently used reference works for Italian history and culture. The work is under development. For the biographies already present in the Dizionario, users can visit the link to their entry; for all those names whose biographical profile is under preparation, users are given information on their full name, professional qualification, and the historical period in which they lived.
Dizionario d'Ortografia e di Pronunzia (DOP)
The DOP Dictionary is an important free access resource for linguistics and phonetics, including 92,000 lexical entries and proper names from the Italian language, plus 37,000 entries and names from around sixty different languages that can be read and listened to. It is a fundamental tool to ascertain the exact spelling and pronunciation of linguistic terms.
Dizionario dei Modi di Dire
Online edition derived from the "Dizionario dei Modi di Dire della Lingua Italiana HOEPLI Editore" and available through the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
Dizionario dei Sinonimi e dei Contrari
Online edition derived from the "Dizionario dei Sinonimi e dei Contrari RCS Libri" and available on the website of the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
Dizionario delle abbreviazioni latine ed italiane
A free digital version of the well-known "Dizionario delle abbreviazioni latine ed italiane" by Adriano Cappelli (Italian edition, Milan, 1912).
Dizionario Deutsch-Italienisch / Italiano-Tedesco
Online edition taken from "il Sansoni Tedesco" and available on the Corriere della Sera website.
Dizionario di Citazioni
Online edition taken from "Tra virgolette - Dizionario di Citazioni Zanichelli" and available on the Corriere della Sera website; it includes over 8,500 citations from the classical literature to our days.
Dizionario English-Italian / Italiano-Inglese
Online edition taken tratta da "il Sansoni Inglese" and available on the "Corriere della Sera" website.
Dizionario etimologico online
Online version of the well-known Vocabolario Etimologico della Lingua Italiana by Ottorino Pianigiani.
Dizionario Francese-Italiano / Italien-Français
Online edition derived from "Il Francese compatto Zanichelli" and available on the website of the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
Dizionario italiano
Online edition derived from "Il Sabatini Coletti" and available on the website of the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
Dizionario medico
Italian dictionary of medical terms (from web portal
Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano / Italiano-Español
Online edition derived from "Lo Spagnolo compatto Zanichelli" and available from the Corriere della Sera newspaper.
Dizionari scientifici
A directory of scientific dictionaries (on botany, mathematics, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, astronomy, zoology, water science and environment), being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
Dizionari specialisti e glossari
A section of "La Sitoteca di Edigeo" (wide virtual library of reference works and tools for searching terms and expressions through the Internet), devoted to the retrieval of dictionaries and subject glossaries with broad discipline coverage. Resources are arranged by discipline. Users can select the disciplines and languages of their choice. Topics covered include: Food, Armoury, Fine and Decorative Arts, Insurance, Biology, Botany, Computers, Chemistry, Rites and Popular Faith, Law, Economics, Finance, Banks and Commercial trade, Publishing, Graphics and Press, Electrotechnique, Electronics, Energy, Engineering, Building constructions, Architecture, Internet, Internet, Mass media and Audiovisual materials, Medicine, Pharmacy, Transport, Music, Quality, Religions, Physics, Mathematics, Nature science, Ecology, Environment, Humanities and Social sciences, Security, Sport, Telecommunications, Textiles, Wearing, Fashion, Zoology.
Dizionari storici
A directory of dictionaries on history, being a section of the Dienneti portal for education and learning.
DNA Tube: scientific videos site
Participative digital platform where users can deposit, search and watch scientific video seminars, mainly in the fields of Biology and Genetics. The platform can be searched by topics:
DOAB - Directory of open Access Books
A directory devoted to open access e-books, developed by OAPEN. It allows users to find peer-reviewed monographic publications, available in full-text version through open access licenses on the publisher's websites or digital archives that host them. The service collects metadata of over 750 publications from around 25 publishers.
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
A search engine for open access scientific journals that indexes more than 10,000 e-journals (of which over an half at article level: data as of March 2014). Queries can be made by different criteria: keyword, subject list browsing, country of publication, publisher, year, title, CC license associated with the journal, fees paid by authors (OA model: author pays).
Dove Medical Press Ltd is a UK-based publishing house specialising in the publication of peer-reviewed open access journals in the field of science, technology and especially medicine
DROnet: national network on drug addiction
A national portal devoted to addiction, realized in cooperation with the Department of Policies Against Drug Addiction of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Every Italian region participates in developing local website pages. The portal has three sections: for students and young people, for parents and teachers, for operators. Among the vast amount of resources available, we find technical information on the main substances object of abuse and their medical treatment, a glossary, related legislation, a news sections, the publications, the useful links, etc.
A database managed by the Canadian no profit association Genome Alberta & Genome Canada, containing information on medicinal drugs and their chemical structure. The database allows users to retrieve useful information on thousands of drugs.
Drug information portal
A database edited by the National Library of Medicine that allows to search for bibliographic, pharmacological, toxicological, chemical-physical and biological data, with regard to more than 24,000 substances (searchable by name and category).
A database offering information on drugs, medicines and natural products. The section "Interactions checker" highlights the relation between drugs, diseases, substances and products in order to verify the way they interact with each other. After free registration, users are offered an online community service and a customized web area for saving search results.