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Research Area

Active Research fields

Cox Ring of an elliptic curve defined over a non closed field and its relation with the Mordell Weil group. This relation can be used in the case of the generic fiber of an elliptic fibration f:X->Y, which is a curve defined over the field of rational functions of Y. More generally, given a morphism of algebraic varieties f:X->Y, to study the relation between the Cox ring of X and the one of the generic fiber, under suitable regularity hypotheses.

Research projects of the last 5 years

Project "Anillo ACT 1415 PIA", Conicyt


Collaboration with Prof. Antonio Laface, Universidad de Concepción, Cile.

Collaboration with Prof. Andrea Tironi, Universidad de Concepción, Cile.

Collaboration with Prof. José Carlos Sierra, ICMAT Madrid, Spagna.

Active research

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