2024 |
Elucidating role of sheets mutual position and copper interlayer in FSW of dissimilar Ti6Al4V-SS316L lap joints: Metallurgical and mechanical characterizations |
Articolo in rivista |
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2024 |
Improving the Industrial Efficiency of Recycling Aluminum Alloy Chips Using Friction Stir Extrusion: Thin Wires Production Process |
Articolo in rivista |
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2022 |
Joining by forming technologies: current solutions and future trends |
Articolo in rivista |
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2020 |
La sharing mobility è un approccio alla mobilità sostenibile dal punto di vista dell’impatto ambientale? Alcune considerazioni basate su un’analisi empirica |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
Industrial waste heat: Estimation of the technically available resource in the EU per industrial sector, temperature level and country |
Articolo in rivista |
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2018 |
In-process control strategies for friction stir welding of AZ31 sheets with non-uniform thickness |
Articolo in rivista |
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2017 |
Densità , complementarietà e qualità imprenditoriali per lo sviluppo locale |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2017 |
Assessment of methodologies and data used to calculate desalination costs |
Articolo in rivista |
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2017 |
Linear friction welding of dissimilar AA6082 and AA2011 aluminum alloys: microstructural characterization and design guidelines |
Articolo in rivista |
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2016 |
Nurturing Entrepreneurial Culture and Attitudes in Universities: Experiences at the University of Palermo |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2015 |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2014 |
La performance delle imprese incubate nel Consorzio ARCA nel periodo 2003 – 2011: talune valutazioni sull’efficacia degli incubatori di imprese |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2013 |
Imprenditorialità e convergenza tra produzione di pensiero e produzione di cose |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2013 |
GIA': Giovani, Imprenditoria, Innovazione - "Livatino - Saetta" |
Curatela |
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2013 |
Il processo di incubazione per la creazione di imprese vitali. Il caso del Consorzio ARCA |
Proceedings |
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2013 |
The Nexus Knowledge-Market and Innovation in University Education: Lessons Learned from University Start Ups |
Proceedings |
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2013 |
Innovare e sviluppare
l'imprenditorialità .
Giovani e nuove
prospettive per il lavoro |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2013 |
The Incubation Process for the Creation of Viable Firms: The Case of ARCA Consortium |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
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2011 |
Educare all'imprenditorialità : Esperienze di incubazione d'impresa nell'Università di Palermo |
Articolo in rivista |
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2010 |
Between Self-Organizing and Accelerating Networks: Untangling Strategic Networks Cognitive Dynamics |
Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume |
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2009 |
Technology standard diffusion and negative network externalities: a lesson from the third Browser War |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2009 |
The Use of Simulation in the Shipbuilding Production Process |
Proceedings |
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2008 |
Dinamiche di crescita delle imprese ed evoluzione strutturale del network |
Proceedings |
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2008 |
Introduzione al volume Economia e gestione dell'innovazione nelle PMI.Percorsi tematici ed esperienze formative del Master EGI |
Prefazione/Postfazione |
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2008 |
Innovazione e Incubatori Universitari: il caso dell'Università di Palermo |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2007 |
Off-line Programming and simulation for automatic robot control software generation |
Proceedings |
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2007 |
Analisi di sistemi portuali per la movimentazione di container mediante simulazione |
Articolo in rivista |
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2006 |
Proceedings |
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2006 |
Integrating Manufacturing Equipments Using a Shop Floor Control System |
Proceedings |
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2006 |
Business Process-oriented design of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for small and medium enterprises |
Articolo in rivista |
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2005 |
Business process oriented design of ERP systems for small and medium enterprises |
Proceedings |
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2005 |
UML design and AWL programming for reconfigurable control software development of a robotic manipulator |
Proceedings |
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2005 |
Negotiation models in manufacturing e-marketplaces |
Capitolo o Saggio |
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2004 |
Evaluating the Impact of Demand and Inventory Management Policies on Bullwhip Effects in Production Networks |
Proceedings |
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2004 |
An Innovative Health Care Management System based on the Virtual Enterprise Paradigm |
Proceedings |
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