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Research Area

Active Research fields

His research activity is focused on asthma and COPD in the fields of small airways, systemic aspects of COPD, oxidative stress, non-invasive techniques, health related quality of life and chronic obstruction in elderly patients. Recently he started some projects on bronchiectasis.


Research projects of the last 5 years


- Member of the EUROPEAN NETWORK On bronchiectasis EMBARC (


-member Of STEERING COMMITTEE of the Italian Study "GEIRD" (Gene Environment Interaction in Respiratory Diseases) from March 2016. As P.I. of the center of Palermo.

- Member of the Italian Registry IRIDE – an ITALIAN registry of bronchiectasis. As P.I.  of the center of Palermo


- Member of the Italian Study SA.R.A. (Respiratory Health in the Elderly).

- International Research collaboration with: 1) Department of Pneumology, Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Leiden, the Netherlands; 2) Department of Pathology, São Paulo University Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil.

- Member of the Italian Research Group ECCE (COPD extrapulmonary consequences in the elderly).

- sub-investigator and then the co-P.I. of the center of Palermo for the Italian study AGAVE (Severe Asthma: the follow-up of epidemiological and clinical cohorts, via registry and questionnaires; therapeutic appropriateness and Evaluation of Outcomes, in relation to GINA Guidelines) ".

- P.I. of the center of Palermo for the International Study GLIM (Global Initiative for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia)

Active research

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