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Educational aims

The degree course in Primary Education, organized into a single trail without specific curricula, promotes an advanced theoretical and practical training in the field of educational psychology, methodological-didactic, technological and disciplines research that characterize the professional profile a kindergarten and primary school teacher. The course also aims at developing a theoretical and teaching-methodological training on the subject areas covered by the teachings laid down by the Ministry of Education National Guidelines for the types of schools considered. It also offers specific training for the reception and integration of students with disabilities. The five-year degree course in one cycle aims at promoting the development of polyvalent teachers, who know how to integrate creativity, flexibility and attention to motivate to knowledge, typical of kindergarten, with the disciplinary competence characterizing the primary school. It also aims to encourage better continuity between the two types of school, thanks to the presence of competent professionals in both areas. Teachers trained in the single-cycle degree program will also be competent with respect to the acceptance of students with disabilities, in order to be better able to accept and integrate diversity, highlighting the elements of personalization and establish better collaboration between the classroom teacher and the support teacher. Teachers should be prepared to identify and deal effectively with difficulties and learning disabilities with targeted interventions based on current psycho - pedagogical research. Class teachers will also be able to enhance and positively integrate the differences, which are increasingly evident also for the frequent inter-cultural composition of the class. The training includes the disciplinary study and the most effective teaching strategies in fostering a genuine learning and development of the motivation of pupils. Vocational training is related to the management of both the cognitive and the affective and socio-relational aspects of learning, so that the teacher can contribute to the overall formation of the child in a positive classroom climate for the promotion of individual and collective wellbeing. The course is divided into basic training activities for the acquisition of psycho-pedagogical and teaching-methodological skills, in class specific activities and other activities (training in schools, English language, technology). The curriculum includes two areas of core courses: an area dedicated to the deepening of the content that will be the subject of teaching in the two educational levels considered ("school competences") and a second area with teachings for the reception of disabled students. The course is divided into courses and workshops, the latter enable students to apply the knowledge acquired in the courses, for example, developing educational materials, designing tools, developing the reflective, critical and collaborative skills through group work and discussions. A) Specific Objectives and description of the training program for the pedagogical and teaching methodological core courses: specific Objectives Students will : - Possess critical knowledge of the leading teaching-learning models supplemented by elements of developmental and education psychology to better understand pupils; - Acquire knowledge of child development with reference to the sensory, attentional, language, memory, thinking, reasoning and problem solving processes; - Acquire knowledge on the volitional and emotional - motivational -affective area and on the socialization processes; - Consolidate their skills about the systematic observation of child behaviour; - Possess teaching skills (ability to organize the classroom as a learning environment and relations community, mastery of a variety of teaching methods facilitating the process of learning, ability to adopt and use integrated and flexible instructional strategies in accordance with the needs and actual learning processes put in place by the students, ability to share with the group of class teachers flexible models of design-implementation activities and evaluation models; - Consolidate a professional reflexivity in relation to their own and others work in educational contexts, within a dynamic and evolutionary vision of the professional profile of the teacher; - Recognize the potential and the educational values existing in the new technologies and integrate them functionally in the preparation of appropriate learning environments; - Know the ludic methods; - Learn the fundamentals and strategies of educational research useful to verify and innovate educational and teaching practices; - Be able to develop field educational research, based on processes of observation, documentation, innovation, evaluation of teaching and its results; - Have knowledge of the historical and social contexts of professional practice; - Understand their work in relation to the processes of adjustment of the educational system and under a comparative perspective, of the European and international developments in the field of educational policies; - Know how to act in situations of diversity and heterogeneity in the class, as inclusion action of pupils of different origins and/or with special educational needs, in the name of fairness and equality in school. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives The educational activities consist of lectures, even with the aid of multimedia technology (software, video recordings, movies...), guided practice, laboratory activities with analysis of projects, educational interventions and assessment tools, group projects, simulations, discussions with experts, group discussions and focus groups. B ) Specific objectives and description of the training program for the core courses Area 1 : School competences 1a. Linguistic area specific Objectives With regard to the linguistic area, the objectives to be achieved are as follows: - Knowledge of the national linguistic heritage in its historical formation about political-cultural events and in terms of phonetic, morpho-syntactic and semantic- lexical structures; - Knowledge of the territory under the linguistic perspective, with reflections on the dialects and regional varieties and their areas of application, outline of the languages of alloglot areas; - Knowledge of the processes of linguistic codification and of the factors of unification of the Italian language, with particular reference to the role of school; - Knowledge of the main dimensions of change of the written, spoken and transmitted language, with appropriate communication styles and registers; - Knowledge of the structures of the Italian language, from a phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical, textual and pragmatic point of view, with particular reference to the peculiar traits of contemporary Italian language. Knowledge of the grammatical expression of cognitive and communicative categories. Elements of the typological dimension; - Knowledge of the ministry guidelines relating to the objectives and content of the teaching of the Italian language in vertical perspective, with reference to the Kindergarten and Primary School, and to the debate on linguistics Education; - Knowledge of the description criteria for the different language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and of the cognitive processes underlying them; - Knowledge of the different ways of organizing oral interaction with elements of intercultural pragmatics; - Knowledge of the processes involved in writing (from the early stages of learning to expert models) aimed at the development of complex textual skills (design, planning, information hierarchy, structuring and auditing ); - Knowledge of the processes related to the development of skills and strategies for reading texts. - Knowledge of the models of reflection on language in the context of language education. The concept of error between standard and use; - Knowledge of various models and types of grammar (historical, normative, descriptive, cognitive and pedagogical) as tools for a reflection on language coherent and functional to the cognitive development of learners and to the specific indications for primary school and, in the perspective of vertical continuity, to those for secondary levels; - Knowledge of the (diagnostic, formative and summative) analysis and assessment tools and criteria procedures, for language and communication skills of students and for the exploitation of different repertoires of departure; - Knowledge of the stages of the acquisition of Italian as L2 in natural and guided contexts with particular reference to inter-language and error handling; - Knowledge of the problems related to the comprehensibility of texts (including study books ) in the teaching of Italian as L1 and L2. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives Teaching methods include: - Lectures and integrated lectures; - Exercises and application laboratory, particularly with respect to paper and electronic tools for linguistic and for reading and analysis of texts (dictionaries, language corpora, stylistic analysis tools, concordances, etc..), and to specific tools for primary school (dictionaries for children, educational software, etc.). 1b. Literary area specific Objectives The literary education in the training of future kindergarten and primary school teachers and aims at: - Creating reading habits, as continuing education of the person; - Knowing the educational potential of literary texts, considered as a model of true dialogue with the other, based on hermeneutic respect; - Knowing the Italian literary tradition; - Learning to interpret, analyse and comment literary texts, especially poetry; - Understanding the narrative thinking and its facilities; - Providing tools to identify the aesthetic qualities and values of texts, in order to choose songs or works to be proposed in reading to children, educating their taste; - Knowing the criteria for the analysis and evaluation of fiction for children; - Understanding the different characteristics of literary genres for children. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives: - Lectures; - participative lectures; - Exercises and laboratory applications; 2 ) English language area specific Objectives - Knowledge and proficiency, level B2, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference at the end of the study; - Knowledge and practical skills related to language teaching and to the programming and English classroom management; - Ability to find updating sources for the foreign language and understand the documents of the Council of Europe and current issues, relating to language policies directed at young learners ( young learners ) and to in-service training of teachers. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives - Language labs (also in the presence of native English teachers and in self-learning mode ); - lessons on English language and linguistic topics, as well as on the teaching of English. 3 ) Discipline: History and Geography specific Objectives Acquisition of basic historical knowledge and skills covering different periods of history, as well as of the features of landscape, of the region and of the land and natural systems, as well as of the socio- cultural, economic and political issues that define the organization, relationships, processes of transformation and configuration of identity. In particular, it aims to promote: - The development of the methodologies of historical research and inductive construction of historical knowledge, through the collection and analysis of documents, verification of the authenticity of the sources, and the collation of the latter for historical reconstruction; - The acquisition of the main models of history teaching; - The development of the methods of construction of geographical knowledge through direct observation, and the use of questionnaires, interviews and methods of data collection; - Acquisition of skills in the use of geographic tools, through the analysis of general geographical, mental, maps, as well as of statistical, computer, subjective, literary, iconographic sources; - Implementation of projects and educational activities related to the environment, landscape and cultural heritage. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives - Lectures, with the help of multimedia technologies; - Guided practice; - In-depth disciplinary workshop activities; - Use of software or video recordings and films; - field activities. 4) mathematical- scientific area (botanical - biological, physical -chemical disciplines) specific Objectives - Acquisition of fundamental scientific concepts, selected based on their relevance and accessibility in the context of nursery and primary schools and their regional territorial specificities; - Acquisition of awareness of the existence of a complex nature and ecosystem, as evidenced by the interdependent relationships between living things and the physical - chemical environment; - Acquisition of knowledge and teaching skills related to interconnected scientific disciplines (learning to identify the structuring scientific concepts and their connections, to reflect on cognitive obstacles, to develop possible activities and educational courses and to develop an systemic vision); - Acquiring the ability to carry out practical activities and to use critical teaching thinking. With regard to mathematics, we highlight the following specific objectives: - Acquisition of basic concepts of mathematics, concerning various domains (arithmetic, geometry, logic, probability and statistics); - Acquisition of knowledge and teaching skills related to the discipline; - Awareness of the role of problem solving as a fundamental and pervasive of doing math at every level of schooling; - Acquisition of the ability to carry out practical activities and critical teaching thinking and to implement appropriate assessment strategies. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives: Lectures, discussions laboratory and field trips. In addition the student will be required to design teaching units and experiments with natural resources and poor materials, achievable in the classroom, aimed to help students to build knowledge and scientific laws and to check their consistency with the observed phenomena. 5 ) Music, art, physical and legal education The curriculum provides for the development of specific skills in art, music, physical education and basic legal knowledge. specific Objectives: - Knowing how to design learning paths according to the current National Guidelines for the first cycle of education in the field of art, music and physical education; - Knowing the main models of education in three areas: art, music and sports; - Learning the fundamental concepts and techniques of artistic, music and sports culture; - Acquiring knowledge with respect to the development of the movement (motorial control, motion gaming, sports education); - Learning elements of school legislation and constitutional law. Teaching methods for achieving the objectives: Lectures, with video projections, analysis of documents, speeches of artists, musicians and professional ezperts. Area 2 : Teachings related to the reception of students with disabilities Overall, the specific learning outcomes identified and planned educational activities aim at developing the knowledge, skills and competencies related to the profile of a teacher who knows how to combine a solid cultural base, with a special focus of the teaching and special educational, psychological and legal disciplines, declined for the purposes of education and training of pupils with special educational needs, including those with disabilities integrated into mainstream classes. For this purpose, there is a further enhancement of knowledge in the pedagogic-special teaching sciences, and their integration with those relating to the field of medical disciplines. On this common educational substrate, the future teacher will be able to capture the special educational needs of more vulnerable pupils, interpreting them in terms of educational-didactic planning and cognitive mediation skills, through a consistent management of the operations, in view of the development of the personality of individual pupils and of available resources, of the use of specific devices for monitoring and documentation of the processes involved and the achieved outcomes. In an academic course providing experiences and activities diversified and specialized training, the student is required to develop the socio-relational skills necessary to work in a team, first in collaboration with colleagues from the class, with families and with other social and healthcare professionals. With this assumption, the student is urged to cultivate the attitudes and skills that are useful in the construction of meaningful and incisive educational relationships in the presence of pupils with difficulties, as well as the ability to self-assess his/her orientation and ethical values, also in relation to the available ethical references, in order to make well-grounded and socially legitimate career choices, aimed at promoting the overall development of the personality of all pupils, with special attention to the most problematic ones. Specific Objectives: Acquire knowledge, skills and competencies aiming at: - Exploiting the framework of the possibilities offered by the law, history and practice of inclusive education at national and international level; - Interacting with health specialists and families for the knowledge of the diagnosis and the operating profile of the student with disabilities, and for the processing, management and collegial evaluation of individualized teaching integrated with the classroom educational plan, open to the prospect of the life project; - Actively collaborating with classroom teachers and teacher support for the design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the individualized education plan, well integrated with the class planning, and in order to carry out actions of continuity and educational guidance and teaching, even in relationships with teachers of other school types and grades; - Adopting enhanced teaching strategies, specialized in various disciplines, tailored to the needs of the student with disabilities; integrating verbal and non-verbal languages; knowing and using techniques, methods, and computer multimedia technology, specific aids, structured material; - Knowing the theoretical, diagnostic and intervention models in disability, as well as the intervention strategies for the integration of the student with disabilities; - Grasping the factors of originality in each student, including: styles of learning and thinking, emotional and relational aspects, the presence of any specific learning disorders or behavioural disabilities; - Preparing exemption and compensatory interventions at project - planning and evaluation level; - Being able to manage and exploit the heterogeneous composition of the class, in the presence of pupils with special educational needs; Method of work Lectures supported by the use of multimedia products (images and movies), lectures with exercise classes, forms of open lecture (built by group discussion, meeting with experts and families); thematic seminars, laboratory work (case study, guided educational actions, simulations, production of individual and group projects and materials for the activation of educational interventions - enhanced learning, specialized and individualized ones: analysis and critical evaluation of tools, techniques, methodologies, specialized actions); presentation in oral or written form of the outcome of experiences or training activities (reports on the participation in laboratory work, internships, documentation of activities, experiences, feelings). The course also proposes activities, mainly based on simulation and dramatization, to develop and refine the use of non-verbal language for purposes of expression, communication and learning, as well as, activities aimed at the acquisition of systematic knowledge, the ability to access and use critical of the main sources of information and cultural and professional updating, even in the field of special educational needs and of information and communication technologies. The activities of observation, analysis of practical experience in the field of self-analysis, and reports conducted during the internship will provide formative moment integrated with classroom teaching. The teaching activity in the presence will be integrated with the use of distance learning platforms, both for the documentation of training content, and for the development of exercises and reworking individual and small group.

work perspectives

Access to the competitive examinations for teachers of childhood and primary school.

Characteristics of the final exam

At the end of the fifth course year, students must write a final report on the 600 hours of professional practice and a degree dissertation. The discussion of the report must demonstrate the acquired professional skills. The degree dissertation should focus on issues related to teaching, which might be related to the professional practice. Students should demonstrate their capability to elaborate, write, document, present and discuss individually a written dissertation, written in original and critical manner under the guidance of one or more supervising professors, and coherent with the specific educational objectives of the degree course. The final examination of the degree course ends up with the discussion of the dissertation and of the final report of internship that constitute a unique examination qualifying for teaching in kindergarten and primary school. To this end, the commission appointed by the competent academic authority, is accompanied by two faculty mentors and by a representative designated by the Regional school department.