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Presentazione convegno "La rilevanza della digitalizzazione per un mercato agroalimentare sostenibile"


The agri-food system is called upon to face the challenge of sustainability without further delay. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (first) and the Farm to Fork Strategy (later) have reaffirmed the need for rapidly achieving more sustainable production models, also in the agri-food sector. The pursuit of this goal requires to clarify first of all the parameters on which the assessment of the greater or lesser sustainability of the agri-food system should be based. Also with a view to answering this question, especially in recent years, various procedural guidelines have been drawn up for the sustainability of the agri-food production. In a nutshell, such guidelines allow for a given agri-food production system to be qualified and, above all, certified as sustainable on the basis of its compliance with standards and criteria seeking to reconcile the three dimensions of sustainability, i.e. environmental, economic and social. Faced with the advent of the so-called digital revolution, the question arises whether digitalisation can in any way represent a valid ally to the agri-food system in the pursuit of sustainability. With this in mind, it is necessary to analyse, on the one hand, whether and to what extent the procedural guidelines for the sustainability of the agri-food production are aware of the contribution that digitalisation could make to the pursuit of the agri-food system sustainability, and, on the other, what factors stand in the way of a broader use of digitalisation to achieve sustainable production models and what solutions could be adopted to overcome these critical issues.