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cARTegory Theory: Framing Aesthetics of Mathematics

  • Authors: Mannone, Maria
  • Publication year: 2019
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • Key words: Proof; elegance; crossmodal correspondences; gestural similarity; categories
  • OA Link:


Mathematics can help investigate hidden patterns and structures in music and visual arts. Also, math in and of itself possesses an intrinsic beauty. We can explore such a specific beauty through the comparison of objects and processes in math with objects and processes in the arts. Recent experimental studies investigate the aesthetics of mathematical proofs compared to those of music. We can contextualize these studies within the framework of category theory applied to the arts (cARTegory theory), thanks to the helpfulness of categories for the analysis of transformations and transformations of transformations. This approach can be effective for the pedagogy of mathematics, mathematical music theory, and STEAM.