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La construcción del lenguaje en el Teatro Popular de Sciacca de Giuseppe y Alberto Samonà / The construction of language in the Sciacca popular Theatre by Giuseppe and Alberto Samonà


The Sciacca Popular Theatre by Giuseppe Samonà and his son Alberto - two important figures of Italian architecture - is one of the most significant Italian building of the second half of the 20th century. Inaugurated in 2015, after a forty years long construction, the building has an original layout with two auditoriums; composed by three big volumes (a parallelepiped, a cone and a pyramid) and expresses an architecture of image, an idea of space determined by pure forms and using a single material (the raw concrete). The use of three archetypal forms is a return to the origin, an idea al- most classical and rational of architecture; at the same time is the evocation of an archaic perfection. Within this context, the use of raw concrete is also fundamental. Understood as primitive material, it participates to the expression of stability and durability across the building. As a result, the building is converted to an icon that sits in the landscape like a monument. In this sense, this architecture is a tribute to Le Corbusier, built through the interpretation of the great master language. The Sciacca Theatre represents, probably, the most remarkable example of architecture by Le Corbusier in Italy.