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Andricus cydoniae Giraud, 1859 Junior Synonym of Cynips coni-fica Hartig, 1843, as Experimentally Demonstrated (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini)


We demonstrated the life cycle closure of Cynips conifica Hartig, 1843 (presently Andricus conifi-cus), previously supposed on the basis of molecular data, and the identity of the sexual genera-tion, through laboratory experiments. As a consequence, Andricus cydoniae Giraud, 1859 became a junior synonym of A. conificus (Hartig, 1843). We provide illustrations and a diagnosis for adults and galls, observations on biology, and information on distribution. Moreover, as sexual galls of A. conificus cannot be distinguished from those of Andricus multiplicatus, a detailed com-parison between sexual galls and adults of these two species is reported.