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Mediterranean Chromosome Number Reports-17


This is the seventeen of a series of reports of chromosomes numbers from Mediterranean area, peri-Alpine communities and the Atlantic Islands, in English or French language. It comprises contributions on 28 taxa: Allium, Ornithogalumfrom Italy and France, by K. F. Caparelli & L. Peruzzi (Nos 1617-1619); Cytisusfrom Italy and Greece, by T. Cusma Velari, L. Feoli Chiapella & V. Kosovel (Nos 1620-1622); Chenopodium, Atriplexfrom Bulgaria, by N. Grozeva (Nos 1623-1630); Crotalaria, Cytisus, Genista, Hesperolaburnum, Stauracanthus, Ulexfrom Morocco and Spain, by H. Tahiri, P. Cubas & C. Pardo (Nos 1631-1639); Hieracium, Hypochoeris, Jacobaeafrom Sicily, by A. Geraci, E. Di Gristina & R. Schicchi (Nos 16401644).