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A case study to the Evaluation of Global Environmental Quality, concerning thermal, acoustic and atmospheric conditions of urban areas

  • Authors: franzitta, v; TRAPANESE, M; VIOLA, A; MILONE,A; MILONE, D
  • Publication year: 2013
  • Type: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • OA Link:


In this paper we propose an operative procedure aimed at assessing and check the global environmental quality in the urban areas. This methodology is set up by using an ergonomic approach that analyses the interaction man-environment in terms of cause-effect and uses information and data from various sources contributing to the formation of discomfort degrees.[1-2] The representation technique by normo-grams is used for showing some applications executed along the urban territory of Palermo and allows to evaluate very simply all the parameters involved in human comfort. This paper is divided in 5 sections, after the introduction in section 2 a review of the principal simple and complex indexes is presented, in section 3 the methodology used to assess the air quality is presented and in section 4 some experimental results on some areas of Palermo are presented, finally in section 5 some conclusions are drawn.[3-4]