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Gli anni maltesi dell’incisore in pietre dure e preziose Michele Laudicina senior (1762-1832)


The article aims to delve into the news, handed down by artistic historiography, of the period spent in Malta by the sculptor Michele Laudicina senior from Trapani. He was a celebrated exponent, between the 18th and 19th centuries, of the well-known family of coral makers and engravers but in reality a figure still to be discovered, especially in his international dimension and as regards the catalog of his works, most of which are missing. His Maltese stay lasted well over eight years and was only the first of a series of stays outside the kingdom of Sicily and the Italian states. This is a figure who was at the service of sovereigns, aristocrats and bourgeois, who in his art, glyptics, was able to combine practice, commerce and teaching, dedicating himself with passion and competence to each of these aspects.