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Is the NZEB benchmarking approach suitable for assessing energy retrofit design?


Currently, many effort have been done to enable energy saving issues in building design and many definitions have been introduced for most performing constructions based on energy balance between energy demand and supply. Recently, the Net Zero Energy Building theory has bypassed old Passive House concept but many questions still remain open. Present work aims to estimate how NZEB requirements matching could be affected by the choice of their definition and the choice of weighting factor system, to be count in the energy balance. NZEB concept is mainly referred to new buildings design. Its application to existing buildings is for sure an hard task provided the architecture and physical constraints are often problematic. Nevertheless, the benchmarking approach able to assess the building performance according to the NZEB objective can be utilized for other two purposes. The first one is to assess how an existing building is far from the performances of a NZEB. The second one is to assess the contribution of a conventional retrofit in improving its energy balance.