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Morpho-sedimentary setting and evolution of Marettimo Valley (Egadi Islands, Sicily) during middle-late Quaternary: interaction between sea level changes and oceanographic circulation

  • Authors: Agate, M.; Tamburrino, S.; Sulli, A.; Placenti, F.; Sprovieri, M.; Iacono, Lo C; Passaro, S.
  • Publication year: 2018
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


We present morphological and stratigraphic results coming from surveys acquired in a NNW-SSE trending submarine depression (Marettimo Valley) located in the Egadi Islands (western Sicily offshore). In this area the seafloor is characterized by both depositional and erosional features generated under a variety of sedimentary processes. We identified two seismic facies units that are correlatable to: A) the progradation of shallow water (coastal to offshore) deposits during forced-regression sedimentary process, and B) contourite drifts emplaced by geostrophic currents through the Marettimo Valley. This unusual association of very shallow water contourites and shelf margin deposits originates, during middle-late Pleistocene glacio-eustatic cycles, from enhanced sedimentary dynamics establishing mutual interaction between progradational growth of the margin and bottom current deposition.