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Research Area

Active Research fields

Migration law and protection of fundamental rights of migrants.

Counter- terrorism Measures in Europe.

Participation of defendant in criminal proceedings.

Directive on the European investigation order and issues related to its implementation in Italy

Research projects of the last 5 years

Since 1° December 2016 (24 months): Scientific Coordinator for the University of Palermo of the EU Project: EUROCOORD: “Best practice for European coordination on investigative measures and evidence gathering”, Call: JUST/2015/JCOO/AG/1. Main Coordinator: University of Burgos; participants: University Complutense of Madrid; University of Palermo; University of Jagiellonski.


2015-2018: Participant to the JEAN MONNET Module: “Mobility, security and the new media”, scientific Director Prof. Vincenzo Militello.


2015-2018: Participant to the Project “Un paso adelante en la consolidacion del espacio judicial europeo y su aplication pratica en Espana: vison desde el proceso civil y penal (Ref. DER2015-71418-P), scientific Director Prof. Mar Jimeno Bulnes.


2013-2014: Participant to the research Project “IFO” (Illegal Flow Observation –Project JUST/2011/ISEC/DRUGS/AG/3671) of the University of Palermo – Scientific Director  Prof. Vincenzo Militello – in cooperation with Fondazione Rocco Chinnici and University of Salamanca.  




Active research

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