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Translation and testing of the italian version of FAMCARE-2: measuring family caregivers' satisfaction with palliative care

  • Authors: D'Angelo, Daniela; Punziano, Antonella Cinzia; Mastroianni, Chiara; Marzi, Annamaria; Latina, Roberto; Ghezzi, Valerio; Piredda, Michela; De Marinis, Maria Grazia
  • Publication year: 2017
  • Type: Articolo in rivista
  • OA Link:


Family satisfaction is an important outcome of palliative care and is a critical measure for health care professionals to address when assessing quality of care. The FAMCARE-2 is a widely used measure of family satisfaction with the health care received by both patient and family in palliative care. In this study, a team of Italian researchers culturally adapted the FAMCARE-2 to the Italian language and psychometrically tested the instrument by measuring satisfaction of 185 family caregivers of patients admitted into two palliative care services. FAMCARE-2 showed excellent levels of internal consistency (Cronbach's α coefficient = .96) and test-retest reliability ( r = .98, p < .01). The confirmatory factor analysis showed a single-factor structure with good fit. Satisfaction levels were significantly correlated with family caregivers being females with less education, patient length of care, and place of assistance and death. This scale can help health care professionals identify which aspects of care need improvement and enable family caregivers to manage their challenging role.