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"Un conflitto intestino e una malattia dell'anima". Nosos e stasis nel "Sofista" di Platone (Soph. 228A 7-8)


In Sophist 228a7-8 the reading of Plato’s manuscripts diaphoras diaphthoran is defended on the basis of a reconsideration of the Galenic passages of De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis (V 2, p. 302,18-19 and V 3, p. 310,26 De Lacy) usually advanced in order to maintain that it is corrupt and is to be changed into diaphthoras diaphoran. The analysis of several other passages of the Platonic corpus concerning stasis and nosos, and the comparison with Plutarch's De Stoicorum repugnantiis 1041b, which shows a textual history very similar to the considered passage of Plato’s Sophist, further support the reading in the manuscripts.