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Intervento di ripristino della copertura arborea su un'area del parco dell'Etna interessata da colata lavica recente.


The planning and results of a reafforestation carried out on a private area occurring in the Etna Wildlife Reserve C zone are presented. The area consists of a terraced slope 70.000 square meters wide, made out of a lava flow part which dates back to 1983. At first were planted and seeded Astragalus siculus Biv. and Festuca circummediterranea Patzke, in order to set a pioneer vegetation cover; then were planted some aboreal species having a leading role in the physiognomical characterisation of the Etna landscape, like Betula aetnenis Raf., Pinus laricio Poiret, Populus tremula L. The success of the intervention is shown by the fairly quick penetration of 26 species coming from the neighbouring natural vegetation. 11 of them are pre-forestal and wood-edge entities.