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La street art come motore di recupero e rigenerazione urbana delle aree interne. Un progetto condiviso per lo sviluppo di smart villages nell'area Madonita

  • Authors: Campisi, Tiziana; Colajanni, Simona; Saeli, Manfredi; Lombardo, Luisa
  • Publication year: 2022
  • Type: Contributo in atti di convegno pubblicato in volume
  • OA Link:


The Madonie district, one of the 72 pilot areas of the National Strategy for Inner Areas in Italy in the center of Sicily, is composed by 21 municipalities that really have a great potential, due to their historical background and natural landscape, but it needs new strategies to emerge. Many people from northern cities have returned to their home villages in recent years, to live and work, but they have not found some important and necessary services as there are in smart cities, and to date, these villages do not adopt smart strategies. Many changes need to be made, one solution is to transform them into smart villages through rehabilitation, such as improving the historic center with street art and digital technology freely available and accessible to today's villagers to connect present and past, tradition and innovation and bring new forms of tourism. These small towns preserve our country's cultural heritage, and these goals can help to enhance the cultural heritage and achieve a better life and future by reclaiming these areas and revitalizing them. The new National and European funds have given more opportunities to these municipalities, and many of them will participate in this program in order to have more chances for their development. Involving governments, global businesses, companies, startups, stakeholders, universities, academics under dynamic operational capabilities and citizens is a way to achieve synergy, sharing knowledge and capabilities for the common good: a program that must integrate tradition and innovation, for example, art and technology. The goal of this research is to explore an innovative regeneration strategy, models and interventions for these inner rural areas that can be scalable to more rural places with the same characteristics, but also to connect them to the global ecosystem through, first of all, art and then also smart rehabilitation that combines memory, tradition, innovation and digitization.