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Derivation of a Distributed Unit Hydrograph Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing

  • Autori: NOTO L; LA LOGGIA G
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2007
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
  • Parole Chiave: Geographic information systems; Hydrographs; Rainfalls; Remote sensing; Spatial distribution; Streamflow; Watershed management
  • OA Link:


The paper describes the results of a study based on the integration of remote sensing and geographical information system techniques to evaluate a distributed unit hydrograph model linked to an excess rainfall model for estimating the streamflow response at the outlet of a watershed. Travel time computation, based on the definition of a distributed unit hydrograph, has been performed, implementing a procedure using (1) a cell-to-cell flow path through the landscape determined from a digital elevation model (DEM); and (2) roughness parameters obtained from remote sensing data. This procedure allows the taking into account of the differences, in terms of velocity, between the hillslopes and the stream system. The proposed procedure has been applied to two watersheds in Sicily, in order to establish the level of agreement between the estimated and recorded hydrographs, using as a tool to calculate the excess rainfall a simplified version of the probability distributed model.