The exposure of the hybrid detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory
- Autori: Abreu, P; Aglietta, M; Ahn, E.J; Allard, D; Allekotte, I; Allen, J; Alvarez Castillo, J; Alvarez-Muñiz, J; Ambrosio, M; Aminaei, A; Anchordoqui, L; Andringa, S; Antičić, T; Anzalone, A; Aramo, C; Arganda, E; Arisaka, K; Arqueros, F; Asorey, H; Assis, P; Aublin, J; Ave, M; Avenier, M; Avila, G; Bäcker, T; Badagnani, D; Balzer, M; Barber, K.B; Barbosa, A.F; Bardenet, R; Barroso, S.L.C; Baughman, B; Beatty, J.J; Becker, B.R; Becker, K.H; Bellétoile, A; Bellido, J.A; Benzvi, S; Berat, C; Bergmann, T; Bertou, X; Biermann, P.L; Billoir, P; Blanco, F; Blanco, M; Bleve, C; Blümer, H; Boháčová, M; Boncioli, D; Bonifazi, C; Bonino, R; Borodai, N; Brack, J; Brogueira, P; Brown, W.C; Bruijn, R; Buchholz, P; Bueno, A; Burton, R.E; Busca, N.G; Caballero-Mora, K.S; Caramete, L; Caruso, R; Castellina, A; Catalano, O; Cataldi, G; Cazon, L; Cester, R; Chauvin, J; Chiavassa, A; Chinellato, J.A; Chou, A; Chudoba, J; Clay, R.W; Colombo, E; Coluccia, M.R; Conceião, R; Contreras, F; Cook, H; Cooper, M.J; Coppens, J; Cordier, A; Cotti, U; Coutu, S; Covault, C.E; Creusot, A; Criss, A; Cronin, J; Curutiu, A; Dagoret-Campagne, S; Dallier, R; Dasso, S; Daumiller, K; Dawson, B.R; De Almeida, R.M; De Domenico, M; De Donato, C; De Jong, S.J; De La Vega, G; De Mello Junior, W.J.M; De Mello Neto, J.R.T; De Mitri, I; De Souza, V; De Vries, K.D; Decerprit, G; Del Peral, L; Deligny, O; Della Selva, A; Dembinski, H; Denkiewicz, A; Di Giulio, C; Diaz, J.C; Díaz Castro, M.L; Diep, P.N; Dobrigkeit, C; D'Olivo, J.C; Dong, P.N; Dorofeev, A; Dos Anjos, J.C; Dova, M.T; D'Urso, D; Dutan, I; Ebr, J; Engel, R; Erdmann, M; Escobar, C.O; Etchegoyen, A; Facal San Luis, P; Falcke, H; Farrar, G; Fauth, A.C; Fazzini, N; Ferguson, A.P; Ferrero, A; Fick, B; Filevich, A; Filipčič, A; Fleck, I; Fliescher, S; Fracchiolla, C.E; Fraenkel, E.D; Fröhlich, U; Fuchs, B; Fulgione, W; Gamarra, R.F; Gambetta, S; García, B; García Gámez, D; Garcia-Pinto, D; Garrido, X; Gascon, A; Gelmini, G; Gemmeke, H; Gesterling, K; Ghia, P.L; Giaccari, U; Giller, M; Glass, H; Gold, M.S; Golup, G; Gomez Albarracin, F; Gómez Berisso, M; Gonalves, P; Gonzalez, D; Gonzalez, J.G; Gookin, B; Góra, D; Gorgi, A; Gouffon, P; Gozzini, S.R; Grashorn, E; Grebe, S; Grigat, M; Grillo, A.F; Guardincerri, Y; Guarino, F; Guedes, G.P; Hague, J.D; Hansen, P; Harari, D; Harmsma, S; Harton, J.L; Haungs, A; Hebbeker, T; Heck, D; Herve, A.E; Hojvat, C; Holmes, V.C; Homola, P; Hörandel, J.R; Horneffer, A; Hrabovský, M; Huege, T; Insolia, A; Ionita, F; Italiano, A; Jiraskova, S; Kadija, K; Kaducak, M; Kampert, K.H; Karhan, P; Karova, T; Kasper, P; Kégl, B; Keilhauer, B; Keivani, A; Kelley, J.L; Kemp, E; Kieckhafer, R.M; Klages, H.O; Kleifges, M; Kleinfeller, J; Knapp, J; Koang, D.-H; Kotera, K; Krohm, N; Krömer, O; Kruppke-Hansen, D; Kuehn, F; Kuempel, D; Kulbartz, J.K; Kunka, N; La Rosa, G; Lachaud, C; Lautridou, P; Leão, M.S.A.B; Lebrun, D; Lebrun, P; Leigui De Oliveira, M.A; Lemiere, A; Letessier-Selvon, A; Lhenry-Yvon, I; Link, K; López, R; Lopez Agüera, A; Louedec, K; Lozano Bahilo, J; Lucero, A; Ludwig, M; Lyberis, H; MacCarone, M.C; MacOlino, C; Maldera, S; Mandat, D; Mantsch, P; Mariazzi, A.G; Marin, V; Maris, I.C; Marquez Falcon, H.R; Marsella, G; Martello, D; Martin, L; Martínez Bravo, O; Mathes, H.J; Matthews, J; Matthews, J.A.J; Matthiae, G; Maurizio, D; Mazur, P.O; McEwen, M; Medina-Tanco, G; Melissas, M; Melo, D; Menichetti, E; Menshikov, A; Meurer, C; Mičanović, S; Micheletti, M.I; Miller, W; Miramonti, L; Mollerach, S; Monasor, M; Monnier Ragaigne, D; Montanet, F; Morales, B; Morello, C; Moreno, E; Moreno, J.C; Morris, C; Mostafá, M; Mueller, S; Muller, M.A; Münchmeyer, M; Mussa, R; Navarra, G; Navarro, J.L; Navas, S; Necesal, P; Nellen, L; Nhung, P.T; Nierstenhoefer, N; Nitz, D; Nosek, D; Nožka, L; Nyklicek, M; Oehlschläger, J; Olinto, A; Oliva, P; Olmos-Gilbaja, V.M; Ortiz, M; Pacheco, N; Pakk Selmi-Dei, D; Palatka, M; Pallotta, J; Palmieri, N; Parente, G; Parizot,
- Anno di pubblicazione: 2011
- Tipologia: Articolo in rivista (Articolo in rivista)
- OA Link:
The Pierre Auger Observatory is a detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It consists of a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level and a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The “hybrid” detection mode combines the information from the two subsystems. We describe the determination of the hybrid exposure for events observed by the fluorescence telescopes in coincidence with at least one water-Cherenkov detector of the surface array. A detailed knowledge of the time dependence of the detection operations is crucial for an accurate evaluation of the exposure. We discuss the relevance of monitoring data collected during operations, such as the status of the fluorescence detector, background light and atmospheric conditions, that are used in both simulation and reconstruction.