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Role of collaborative supply chain of innovation in firm’s performance

  • Autori: Alletto, A; Bruccoleri, M; Mazzola, E; Ramanathan, U
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
  • Tipologia: Proceedings
  • Parole Chiave: R&D, Innovation, Supply Chain Collaborations
  • OA Link:


This work depicts the Supply Chain of Innovation (SCoI) including only those kinds of relationships related to the purchase and selling of R&D commodities. The theoretical framework represents the propensity of a firm in improving its innovation performance thanks to its collaboration experience and positioning in SCoI. We validate our theoretical framework on a sample of 208 biotechnology companies involved in 814 SCoI agreements. Our results show the positive direct impact of SCoI collaboration experience on innovation performance and a mediating role of positioning in SCoI on the abovementioned link.