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Designing a Multi-Sided Platform business model assessment framework: a Dynamic Performance Management perspective

  • Autori: Bivona, Enzo; Cosenz, Federico
  • Anno di pubblicazione: 2019
  • Tipologia: Articolo in rivista
  • Parole Chiave: business model assessment; business models; dynamic performance management; multisided platforms; value capture; value creation;
  • OA Link:


The purpose of this research is to offer an assessment framework to validate multisided platform business models. For this aim, we propose a systemic perspective based on the dynamic performance management approach. This approach is particularly effective to make explicit the net of relationships between internal and external strategic resources, the value creation and capture drivers, and the way such drivers influence platform performances. The developed multisided platform business model assessment framework has been tested by using a success and a failure case, respectively, Airbnb and Take Eat Easy. Research originality results from the combination of multisided platform value creation/capture drivers and innovative approach like the dynamic performance management to assess platforms business models. Findings show that neglecting the role played by value creation and capture drivers and those cause-and-effect mechanisms aimed at leveraging critical internal and external strategic resources can lead to platform failure.