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Redox systems, oxidative stress, and antioxidant defences in health and disease


Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) play a key role in the regulation of cell survival. While adequate levels of RONS are essential to sustain cell proliferation and survival, disruption of the endocellular redox state induces cell dysfunction and death. Indeed, under physiological conditions, a balance between the generation and elimination of RONS ensures the proper function of redox-sensitive signalling proteins. Conversely, alterations to the redox homeostasis may disrupt the function of key transcription factors, signaltransduction pathways and cell-death regulators. Along these lines, understanding the mechanisms underlying cellular redox homeostasis may help to develop nutraceutical and/or pharmacological tools to counteract the development of a wide number of redoxdependent pathologies, including cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, inflammatory-based diseases and cancer. The special issue has brought together updated research concerning molecular mechanisms underlying the control of redox-regulated cell systems in physiological processes and pathological conditions. In addition, recent evidence on the role of phytochemicals, nutraceuticals and dietary patterns in the control of redox-dependent pathophysiological conditions has also been included. New information has been added to this field by means of 15 articles, with 11 original papers and 4 reviews. [...].