Dora Marić
BSc, MSc
+39 091-
+39 385 99 6470 362
Università degli studi di Palermo
Dora studied at University of Split (Croatia) where in 2013 she graduated with a First Class Bachelor’s degree with Distinction in Kinesiology (Sport an exercise Science), and in 2015 obtained a Masters degree in Kinesiology (Sport an exercise Science). Trough her education she was awarded Deans award, and University of Split rectors award. While studying she attended multiple educational seminars; Functional training of energy systems, Functional training of balance and joint stabilization, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization seminar, and others. Dora also presented her work at scientific conferences in 2013 and 2015 on International conference of “Sport conditioning” in Zagreb, and in 2015 on “Contemporary kinesiology”, International scientific conference in Split. After finishing her education she did one year internship in elementary school, where she learned how to practice in school according to principles of professional ethics, responsibility, and norms of kinesiological practice. She is still an active athlete, international and national medal winner in taekwondo.
Publications (Scientific Journals, Conference books)
- “Establishment of relation between different manifestations of reactive ability”, “Contemporary kinesiology”, 5th International scientific conference, Split, August 28 - 30, 2015
- “Influence of morphological measurements on agility manifestations; compared analysis in both girls and boys”, 12th International conference “Sport conditoning”, Zagreb, February 21 - 22, 2015
- “Preliminary validation of specific functional capabilities tests in synchronized swimming.”, 11th International conference “Sport conditioning”, Zagreb, February 22 - 23, 2013
- “The prevalence and covariates of potential doping behavior in kickboxing; analysis among high-level athletes. ”, Journal of human kinetics, 59(1), 67-77.
- Identification of Factors Associated with Potential Doping Behaviour in Sports: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in High-Level Competitive Swimmers, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10 August 2018
- Dietary supplementation use among Olympic team-sport athletes, 11. Međunarodni simpozijum Univerzitet u Tuzli fakultet za tjelesni odgoj i sport zbornik naučnih i stručnih radova sport i zdravlje, November 30. 2018
- Differences between doping factors among junior and senior basketball players/Factors associated with potential doping behaviour in basketball; differential analysis between juniors and seniors, 9 th International Conference on “Sports Science and Health” Banja Luka, March 15. 2019
- What drives athletes toward dietary supplement use: objective knowledge or self-perceived competence? Cross-sectional analysis of professional team-sport players from Southeastern Europe during the competitive season, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, June 14. 2019
- Doping knowledge and doping attitudes in competitive bodybuilding, 12 th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KINANTHROPOLOGY „Sport and Quality of Life “Brno, November 7. – 9. 2019
- Toward Prevention of Doping in Youth Sport, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, December 2019
- Factors associated with potential doping behaviour in Olympic-sailing: a gender-specific analysis. Medicina dello sport, December 2019
Abstract - Poster presentations
- Analysis of sociodemographic and sports-related factors as correlates of potential doping behaviour in high-level junior swimmers, X Congresso Nazionale SISMES Messina, October 5 – 7 2018
- Doping factors and correlates of potential doping behaviour in team sport coaches; gender-specific analysis, From Active Childhood to Healthy Aging 5th International Scientific Conference Novi Sad, April 11 -13 2019
- Doping factors in team sports; parallel analysis among athletes and coaches, XI Congresso Nazionale SISMES Bologna, September 27 - 29 2019
- Internal and external training load of young team handball player’s during the competition, 17th Annual Scientific Conference of Montenegrin Sports Academy “Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Contemporary Perspectives”, April 2. – 5. 2020
Supervisor (s)
Supervisor dr. sc. Damir Sekulić - Co-supervisor Dr. Antonino Bianco
Thesis title/topic
Identifying factors associated to potential doping behavior in Olympic martial arts; analysis of sport-, sociodemographic- and social-cognitive- factors of influence on doping susceptibility in high level athletes.
Health Promotion, Sport Science, Exercise physiology,Evaluating effects of motor learning, Planning programming and implementation of kinesiological treatments, Analyzing anthropological status
International Mobility
University of Split, Croatia, Faculty of Kinesiology
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Faculty of Sport