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Risultati della ricerca
5-nov-2015 8.56.50, be it in the regular microscopy or virtual labs. Studies looking /. $ - + ' ' , + ) $ * ) ' ( % % ' % % $ = < ... , virtual microscopy, benefit a great deal from this diversity of assessment methods. In appropriate ... on virtual microscopy (Evans et al, 2014). turn-around times, addressing an issue with multiple ... do to improve. Research data support learning virtual microscopy and case discussions. Their use ... building communities: Consistency, contract, and communication in the virtual classroom Journal
142. cv prof antonio pietrosanto (17%)
14-apr-2022 17.09.30of inertial 13 2020 measurement unit. In: 17th IMEKO TC 10 and EUROLAB Virtual Conference " ... ., Pietrosanto, A., Sommella, P. (2019). A virtual ANN- based sensor for IFD in two-wheeled vehicle ... Society, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments ... International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and
143. Eventi (17%)
5-feb-2024 23.28.19i singoli eventi alla pagina dedicata Visualizza la locandina GIOVANNI BOSCAINO Virtual Fair! L-41, LM-82, job placement, opportunità Il nostro Ateneo ha formalmente aderito alla “Virtual Fair! Il Career Day realizzato completamente on line” del prossimo 12 dicembre 2019 e 30 gennaio 2020. La Virtual Fair è ... profili. Sono in programma due Virtual Fair, in base al percorso di studi: • 12 dicembre: studenti ... di questo progetto perché la Virtual Fair è uno strumento innovativo che consente ai giovani in cerca
144. bandoassegno_2015_1090 (17%)
1-apr-2015 11.31.27di n. 1 assegno per la collaborazione ad attività di ricerca dal titolo: “Virtual museum ... - Importo Lordo: € 23.462,47 per un impegno orario pari a 1.500 ore per anno; Titolo:”Virtual ... ”. Title: “Virtual museum - Creation of a virtual museal path through artistic heritage, sketches and scenes owned by Teatro ... to the audience a virtual exhibition of the materials themselves, a digital museum which gives
145. General Regulation of MSc Management Engineeriing ONLINE 1.0 (17%)
10-dic-2023 1.12.58platform, Virtual Rooms (e.g., MS Teams' 'work groups') will be created for each teaching module. These Virtual Rooms will serve as spaces where student groups can collaborate on project work or group e-activities. The Virtual Rooms are also where students meet tutors, and the majority ... be conducted synchronously. The tutor plans activities within individual virtual laboratories and works ... students in the learning process up to the examination, working within the virtual class
146. pagina in costruzione (17%)
19-set-2024 9.19.00Chemical RA - TS 2 - 14-18 February 2022 Virtual mode – deadline to send candidates Monday 31 January Course 6 - RA in Animal Health and Welfare - TS 2 - 21-25 February 2022 (Virtual mode) deadline ... Virtual mode deadline to send candidates Monday 21 February Course 7 - Environmental RA - TS 2 - 14-18 March 2022 Virtual mode deadline to send candidates Monday 28 February modulo iscrizione Si chiede ... il seguente: https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/events/register-first-efsa-virtual-career-event Per ulteriori
147. TRANSPORT_WP2013_(DRAFT_16-03-12) (16%)
8-mar-2013 17.18.42multimodal urban transport networks, on capitalising CIVITAS knowledge and experience, on virtual testing
148. cv prof. castiello (16%)
31-mag-2022 12.32.30Ansuini, C., Pierno, A. C., Lusher, D., & Castiello, U. (2006). Virtual reality applications ... : a neurological dissociation revealed by virtual reality. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18 ... visually guided target acquisition in a virtual environment. Applied Ergonomics, 36, 335-343. doi ... ., Glover, S., & Disler, P. (2004). Improving left hemispatial neglect using virtual reality
152. stefanomoro_cv_2019_it_siglato (15%)
10-apr-2020 10.33.26platform bridging the gap between the robust validation of docking protocols and virtual screening ... Novel Protein Kinase A (PKA) Inhibitors by Using a Consensus Docking-Based Virtual Screening ... through structure-based virtual screening." Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 18, 5672-5675 (2008) 141 ... , Deflorian F "Combining ligand-based and structure-based design in the virtual screening arena"
153. StefanoMazzoleni (15%)
23-apr-2020 16.29.25of research project VERSUS (Virtual-Reality Enhanced Rehabilitation for Sustainable and Usable Services ... (academic years 2009/2010, 2010/2011). • Course of “Bioengineering applied to Virtual Reality ... Engineering and Physics, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Biomedical Engineering
154. stefanomoro_cv_2017_it_siglato (15%)
7-nov-2017 14.22.33virtual screening simulations." Molecules 20, 9977-9993 (2015). 224. Sabbadin D, Ciancetta ... Virtual Screening Approach." Lett Drug Design Discov 6, 327-336 (2009) 153. Michielan L, Bolcato ... ) inhibitors through structure-based virtual screening." Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 18, 5672-5675 ... , Bacilieri M, Deflorian F "Combining ligand-based and structure-based design in the virtual ... /PLS) approach as an efficient pharmacodynamic-driven filtering method for small-sized virtual
158. ING-IND/15 – Design Methods and Tools for Industrial Engineering (15%)
10-giu-2019 14.47.19; virtual, augmented and mixed reality, man-machine interfaces, simulations, virtual prototyping; additive ... ; reverse engineering; simulation and virtual prototyping; design of biomedical devices; design methods
159. Proposta di argomenti di n. 2 tesi (15%)
10-apr-2020 11.40.34The generation of virtual models of real components is crucial to assess the geometry of manufactured parts and/or acquire the shape of parts for which an original CAD model is not available. Virtual models are becoming very popular to create a digital virtual representation of the reality. Having
160. A Message from SRCD President Ken Dodge (15%)
20-mar-2020 11.55.32study children’s virtual interactions, stress, nutrition, and academic learning over time. We could ... a virtual forum called SRCD Commons to support the developmental science community during ... , I invite you to correspond with me. Let’s communicate in our new virtual world. lease email me at dodge