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  • 121. program (14%)

    6-giu-2014 15.50.20

    TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES AND PRESENTATIONS SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL STOCHASTIC MECHANICS REGISTRATION June 15, 4:00-7:00PM June 16-18, 7:30AM-8:00 PM RECEPTION Sunday, June 15, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CONFERENCE BANQUET Tuesday, June 17, time to be announced _______________________________ OPENING SESSION Monday, June 16, 8:00-8:15 AM Co-Chairs: Li, J ... \* MERGEFORMAT 1 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES AND PRESENTATIONS juanwang Rice University

  • 122. Programma_Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscapes in the context of the European Green Deal (14%)

    9-nov-2021 10.49.12

    to soil care Chairpersons: Bożena Smreczak & Giuseppe Lo Papa Time Oral presentations Venue 08:30 ... Kozumplíková Time Oral presentations Venue 08:30 – 09:00 Keynote speech ECOVILLAGES AND 20-MINUTE

  • 123. cv_capasso (14%)

    14-apr-2021 10.47.54

    International conference presentations The following are the most recent (since 2014) international conferences presentations:  XVI International Workshop c.MET05, 12-14 June 2019, Naples Parthenope

  • 124. DTG (LM-52, CFU 9) 2015-2016 (long) (14%)

    1-ott-2015 12.52.22

    of 10 points; during seminars students will be asked to either give presentations of the reading ... the weekly topics (see reading list below); As for the seminar presentations, the first essay must

  • 125. cv rosselli (14%)

    17-apr-2018 9.36.07

    -96, 1998-99, 2003-2004 and 2008-9 3 Invited presentations (selection) Journées d’études ... presentations (selection) Annual meeting of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought

  • 126. In the news (14%)

    10-dic-2020 12.00.33

    , UK) on October 14, and given the wide range of topics addressed, the presentations were organized ... . Tongjiang Wang The presentations given during the workshop are available on the workshop webpage

  • 127. program.csm6 (14%)

    8-mar-2013 16.47.36

    TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES AND PRESENTATIONS SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL STOCHASTIC MECHANICS REGISTRATION June 13, 4:00-7:00PM June 14-16, 7:30AM-8:00 PM RECEPTION Sunday, June 13; 7:00 – 8:30 PM CONFERENCE BANQUET Tuesday, June 15, time to be announced ______________________________________________ OPENING SESSION Monday, June 14, 8:00-8:15 AM Co-Chairs ... _1337141557.unknown SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES AND PRESENTATIONS juanwang Rice University

  • 128. MA 52-14 (14%)

    29-set-2014 15.33.43

    activities will give a maximum of 10 points; each student will be asked to give two presentations ... to introduce the weekly topics (see reading list below); As for the seminar presentations, the first essay

  • 129. sabatini (14%)

    24-mag-2022 16.19.52

    , 2006. Invited presentations as keynote speaker (selection) • 2017, September 4-6: invited ... of Bologna. Paper presentations (selection) • 2014, November 10-15, presentation of the paper

  • 130. General Regulation of MSc Management Engineeriing ONLINE 1.0 (14%)

    10-dic-2023 1.12.58

    , group work, classroom presentations, etc., the e-learning platform will support 'Interactive ... exam, or both, but also in-class evaluation (presentations, case study discussion, business games

  • 131. roccella michele (14%)

    23-mag-2024 10.27.30

    ). Submission guidelines Accepted individual oral presentations will be grouped ... from the audience. Discussants should directly request the presentations (or at least the outlines

  • 132. CV Sbacchi Michele (14%)

    31-gen-2025 11.50.19

    Michele Sbacchi Curriculum Vitae Table of contents 1. Education and appointments 2. Teaching 3. Publications 4. Scientific profile 4a Research groups 4b Other Research activities 4c Prices and Awards 4d Conferences, lectures, seminars, presentations 4e Juries 4f Exhibitions 4g Evaluation and reviewing 4h Affiliations 5 ... , lectures, presentations 6.1987 Lecture: “Guarino Guarini’s Geometrical Architecture” within

  • 134. solelunaPA21_Catalogo (12%)

    5-lug-2021 16.33.55

  • 136. cv_sebe (12%)

    8-apr-2021 13.35.36

    Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, December 2004. Keynote Presentations  10th Conference

  • 137. cv_campana (12%)

    14-apr-2021 10.06.53

    INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS, SEMINARS, CONFERENCES Key-note presentations  2020 – Trento, 30-31 January ... , key-note: Filling the Void: unrealistic dream or achievable reality? Presentations (invited

  • 138. Agathon_2008_1 (12%)

    8-mar-2013 20.06.13

  • 139. Dicono di noi (12%)

    4-nov-2024 9.55.23

  • 140. cv_gambaro_2019 (12%)

    10-apr-2020 10.05.26

    in international journals among which New Engl J Med, Presentations Lancet, JAMA, Nature, Nature Genetics