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  • 1. h2020-manuale_amga_last (100%)

    26-lug-2017 17.17.11

     Articles 22, 26 to 31, 36 to 38, and 55 added 1.6 02.05.2014  New annotations for: ERC, SME ... .......................................................................22 CHAPTER 3 GRANT 26 ARTICLE 5 — GRANT AMOUNT, FORM OF GRANT ... ......................................................................... 192 ARTICLE 22 — CHECKS, REVIEWS, AUDITS AND INVESTIGATIONS ... ......................................................................... 648 ARTICLE 22 — CHECKS, REVIEWS, AUDITS AND INVESTIGATIONS — EXTENSION

  • 2. L’Università Europea dell’Alleanza FORTHEM accoglie nuovi partner e rafforza la sua rete con i Sindaci e le Camere di Commercio delle città partner (87%)

    1-giu-2022 10.24.54

    L’Università Europea dell’Alleanza FORTHEM accoglie nuovi partner e rafforza la sua rete con i Sindaci e le Camere di Commercio delle città partner forthem, meeting, mainz, nuovi partner © Peter ... , in Germania, per il suo primo incontro in loco. Insieme ai sette partner universitari provenienti da tutta Europa, sono stati invitati i rappresentanti delle città partner di FORTHEM e delle loro camere ... potuto finalmente salutare tutti i partner della nostra FORTHEM Alliance - e anche quei partner

  • 3. Application Form (Part B) (81%)

    19-mar-2024 14.52.32

    activities are underpinned by a number of Associated Partner universities outside Europe and important ... programme and 40 partner countries participated in the different joint study activities of the wide ... of the partner universities in TNGS ( master-degree ... of Competences (with an internship at one of the associated partner institutions) and one to the elaboration ... . TNGS EMJM Partner Universities The partnership agreed that it would be advantageous, from a strategic

  • 4. AVVISO: Lettera 22 - Premio Giornalistico Nazionale di Critica Teatrale under 36 (80%)

    11-dic-2017 10.40.49

    di Teatro e Danza italiani, partner di Lettera 22 (con l’occasione di vederne tutti gli spettacoli ... AVVISO: Lettera 22 - Premio Giornalistico Nazionale di Critica Teatrale under 36 lettera 22 ... . Si tratta di Lettera 22 - Premio Giornalistico Nazionale di Critica Teatrale under 36 <https ... -Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari, il Premio Lettera 22 è patrocinato dal MiBACT ed è ... /premi-italia>. Gli oltre 40 enti teatrali partner tra i quali il Teatro Biondo di Palermo e numerosi

  • 5. 3_contrat_subvention_Blue_Adapt Firmato (77%)

    17-dic-2020 12.14.53

    ............................................................................................... 22 Article 9 ... ....................................................................................................................... 53 Article 22 - Visibilité ... applicabili al Beneficiario Principale e ai Partner. Article 1 - Objet Articolo 1 - Oggetto 1.1 ... dans l’Annexe A (FC) (les « partenaires »). individuate nell’Allegato A (FC) (i « partner »). Les partenaires participent à la mise en œuvre du projet, et les coûts qu’ils I partner partecipano

  • 6. 4_signedconvention de subvention patiner juin 2020(firmato) (77%)

    17-dic-2020 12.27.02

    , 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 siano anche applicabili ai suoi partner, e quelle applicabili a titolo ... ............................................................................................... 22 Article 9 - Modification du contrat ... ....................................................................................................................... 52 Article 22 - Visibilité ... - Objet • Regole nazionali e linee guida applicabili al Beneficiario Principale e ai Partner. 1.1 ... nell’Allegato A (FC) (i « partner »). sont applicables au titre des articles 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7

  • 7. Information for the partner universities (75%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.04

    Information for the partner universities information, for the partner, universities This page contains the most important information for the partner universities, intending to send exchange students to spend a period of study at the University of Palermo, in the context of student mobility ... for short periods for the performance of teaching activities. Teaching staff mobility among partner ... than one hundred agreements with foreign universities. The teaching staff from partner universities

  • 8. Information for the partner universities (72%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.05

    Information for the partner universities Information, for the partner, universities This page contains the most important information for the partner universities, intending to send exchange students to spend a period of study at the University of Palermo, in the context of student mobility programs. OPPORTUNITIES IN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Within the many international cooperation agreements ... activities. Teaching staff mobility among partner universities within International Cooperation

  • 9. DDG_Acquisto Rosetta Stone 2020_nuovo RUP_firmato DG_Rep 1609 del 22 05 2020 (72%)

    22-mag-2020 11.18.53

    trattativa diretta n. 985044 prot. n. 66267 del 17/07/2019 stipulata in data 22/07/2019 con il suddetto ... International Srl, Certified Partner di Rosetta Stone per l’Italia - presentato al Presidente del Centro ... partner unico ufficiale in Italia della società statunitensi Rosetta Stone per il mondo delle aziende ... international Srl risulta essere partner unico ufficiale in Italia della società statunitensi Rosetta Stone

  • 10. Verbale 22 Ottobre 2021 firmato (69%)

    23-nov-2021 16.02.13

    22/10/2021, alle ore 15:30 presso Stanza virtuale delle riunioni del Gruppo Teams "Consiglio ... rappresentante per la Magistrale LM-37 /LM-39 in CaQ-CdS; 8) Offerta formativa 2021/22: Abilità ... alle esigenze degli studenti sinologi, si segnala che dalla.a. 2021/22 il CLA offrirà dei corsi ... . L’azione avrà inizio dalla.a. 2021/22, e il tema scelto è “Letteratura, Arti e Identità”. Si ritiene ... della triennale. Tale misura si rende ancora più necessaria, se si considera che dalla.a. 2021/22 nel

  • 11. Università Partner dell'Alleanza (68%)

    23-mar-2023 9.59.13

    Università Partner dell'Alleanza forthem, partner, presentazione L'Alleanza FORTHEM è composta da 9 membri: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU), Germany Université de Bourgogne (uB), France Jyväskylän yliopisto (JYU), Finland Uniwersytet Opolski (UO), Poland Universita' degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA), Italy Latvijas Universitāte (UL), Latvia Universitat de València (UV), Spain ... sono diventati partner nel Settembre 2022. Presentazione Governance Structure dell'alleanza CLAUDIO RUOCCO

  • 12. REP. 2482_2023- Capsenhar_subsidy contract-2 -Sarà (68%)

    10-gen-2024 9.04.30

    between the Managing Authority and the Lead Partner La Presidenza della Regione Siciliana ... , in qualità di Lead Partner (beneficiario principale, di seguito representative Massimo Midiri, in its capacity as Lead Partner (lead beneficiary, denominato LP), nominato dai Partner di Progetto ... Joint Secretariat KETs Key Enabling Technologies KETs Key Enabling Technologies LP Lead Partner LP Lead Partner MFIN Ministry for Finance (Malta) MA Managing Authority OS Obiettivo Specifico MC

  • 13. REP. 2482_2023- Capsenhar_subsidy contract-2 -Sarà (68%)

    1-feb-2024 15.33.02

    between the Managing Authority and the Lead Partner La Presidenza della Regione Siciliana ... , in qualità di Lead Partner (beneficiario principale, di seguito representative Massimo Midiri, in its capacity as Lead Partner (lead beneficiary, denominato LP), nominato dai Partner di Progetto ... Joint Secretariat KETs Key Enabling Technologies KETs Key Enabling Technologies LP Lead Partner LP Lead Partner MFIN Ministry for Finance (Malta) MA Managing Authority OS Obiettivo Specifico MC

  • 14. Registration of students from partner universities (68%)

    9-mag-2016 15.09.06

    Registration of students from partner universities Registration, of students, from partner universities Registration of students from partner universities to study courses that release multiple titles or joint Information for students admitted to courses of study international release multiple titles or joint, from partner universities, which are at the University of Palermo to take part of their studies. The instructions must be followed by students who have been selected by the University

  • 15. Partner Associati (67%)

    19-giu-2020 11.33.05

    Partner Associati forthem, partner, associati USR Sicilia Comune di Palermo CLEDU CLAUDIO RUOCCO

  • 16. Firmato_Project Implementation Agreement_ IOM - UNIPA_Mentorship Project (65%)

    1-dic-2020 16.47.28

    by prof. Fabrizio Micari, Rector, hereinafter referred to as the “Implementing Partner.” IOM and the Implementing Partner are also referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties ... project document and budget (Annex A, B and C). The implementing Partner shall commence ... of IOM IOM undertakes to: (a) Transfer the funds allocated to the Implementing Partner to carry ... Timeline (Annex A); (c) Monitor and evaluate the activities carried out by the Implementing partner

  • 17. prof. Blando_massimario n. 22 (65%)

    28-giu-2017 10.01.05

    22-2017 il Massimario Appalti & Contratti Direttore Avv. Alessandro Massari Massime a cura ... . SOMMARIO 22-2017 Consiglio di Stato Oneri di sicurezza aziendali - Punteggio numerico Consiglio ... il Massimario di Appalti&Contratti 22-2017 TAR Lombardia Milano sez. IV 16/6/2017, n. 1355 ... di ese- cuzione TAR Campania Napoli sez. I 14/6/2017, n. 3280 ..................................... 22 ... 14/6/2017, n. C-678/15 ..................... 29 il Massimario di Appalti&Contratti 22-2017 5

  • 18. ca hermes 30102013 (64%)

    27-giu-2016 15.39.39

    of the programme and the selection of TG2 and TG3 scholarship holders (eligibility check) - Partner ... partner university in order to be part of the HERMES programme - Consortium / Steering Committee ... of the scholarship holders in the HERMES programme - TG1 (Target group 1) : Nationals of the partner universities ... 2 (Target group 2) : Nationals of the partner countries who are registered at a higher education ... 3.1.1 Call for available fields of study All Partner Universities are required to compile available

  • 19. AVVISO: Recruiting Day Kiron Partner (64%)

    6-ott-2023 8.33.36

    AVVISO: Recruiting Day Kiron Partner Recruiting Day Kiron Partner, avviso, laureati, studenti, Mercoledì 18 ottobre 2023 (ore10.00), la Kiron Partner (società di mediazione creditizia del gruppo ... Partner - 18/10/2023”) indicando: - nome e cognome; - corso di laurea studente/laureato; - indirizzo ... Partner (società di mediazione creditizia del gruppo Tecnocasa) illustrerà i profili professionali ... (oggetto: “Richiesta partecipazione Recruiting Kiron Partner - 18/10/2023”) indicando


    15-nov-2016 15.03.24

    . 22 Traineeships between Programme and Partner Countries are not foreseen in 2017, either ... : Student mobility: § a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution (HEI ... to teach at a partner HEI abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic ... shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad ... Programme and all Partner Countries of the world, except regions 5 and 12 (see section "eligible